We did it!
Vivienne Prince raised £18,452 from 166 supporters
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Closed 30/06/2020
Iʼve raised £18,452 to Zimbabwean Sculptors
- Harare, Zimbabwe
- Funded on Tuesday, 30th June 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Dear Supporters of Zimbabwean sculptors
The Zimbabwe Sculptors Association is appealing for your help. It has become apparent that there is no assistance at present for the 100's of sculptors across Zimbabwe. Many are already hungry and we need to act swiftly to help them and their families cope. Many sculptors as you know live from day to day on the sales of their sculpture, with no savings. We hope that none of our sculptors will be effected by this pandemic. Being based in Harare we can help coordinate aid whilst in self-isolation, which as a nation, we have to do.
Whilst we are all feeling the impact of cancelled shows, events and closed galleries, may we please take a moment to think about the sculptors whose entire livelihoods have stopped overnight, with no safety net or state aid. It makes more sense to coordinate a collective effort to ensure all families are covered than to avoid duplication of individuals effort.
We have contacted the Leading sculptors at each Art Centre and area to gather names and numbers in need of assistance, with the criteria of those who have been sculpting for longer than 4 years. We are currently looking at approximately 600 sculptors.
With the help of EcoCash - a method of payment via a cell phone, we can send funds to each artist, wherever they may be in Zimbabwe. This is the safest and quickest solution.
With the aim of accomplishing our target, this would give on average USD$40 per sculptor, for food USD$15 and calculating an average rent of USD$25 for two rooms in a house, for a month. The funds will be distributed fairly amongst sculptors, according to donations received, whether it is more or less. ALL donations will be given to sculptors and documented, which can be sent on request. Any amount will be helpful, whether it's a single lump sum or smaller amounts, every so often. Anything you can afford will be gratefully received and much needed.
Art Centres and Areas registered so far are; Tengenenge, Chitungwiza, Guruve, Mvurwi, Hatfield, Tafara & Mabvuku, Silveira, Mbare, Ruwa, Nyanga, Domboshawa and independent or family groups of sculptors.
As you can imagine this has taken some coordination and time on all of our parts, but we hope that it will be worth it for everyone.
Please feel free to call, WhatsApp or email any of us to discuss further. Let's ALL work together for a common goal. Any help you can give in terms of fundraising or ideas would be very much appreciated too. Please send me your name to add to the list of supporters below.
Thank you
Taurai Tigere, Chairman, Zimbabwe Sculptors Association tautiger@gmail.com +263 772 598060
Vivienne Prince, Campaign Manager, vivprince@hotmail.com +263 772 907758
- 4 years ago
Vivienne Prince
4 years agoThank you to everyone that has donated so far, we have raised £17,502 and reached over 600 sculptors, giving them $33 each. Many testaments are on the Facebook page of Zimbabwe Sculptors Association. We have over 100 artists that still need to receive, so we'd love to reach our goal of £20,000! Please 'share' this campaign far and wide so we can try and make the other sculptors happy. The campaign will finish at the end of June and whatever is left over will be distributed fairly amongst those names listed.
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- 4 years ago
Vivienne Prince
4 years agoWe're are happy to announce that we have raised over £15,000 for the Sculptors of Zimbabwe, thanks to people from ALL over the world who have donated. We are so happy and delighted that we can now start the distribution and not a day too soon for the sculptors who are really struggling right now. Together, united, we have done this. You cannot imagine how grateful all the sculptors are and I'm happy to have helped achieve this. The page will remain open for the next 2 weeks if you've forgotten. Our target is £20,000. Thank you everyone!
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- 4 years ago
Vivienne Prince
4 years agoWe've raised £14,882, 74% of our target. We're so very grateful to the 137 supporters of this campaign. We're just trying to sort out the logistics of receiving the funds right now. The page is still open for another few weeks... Thank you so much for all your generosity.
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Vivienne Prince started crowdfunding
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Barbara Gyurech - von Waldkirch
Jun 30, 2020
Hello ViviennePlease inform me about the use of the donation. I am a stonemason in Switzerland.I hope that helps a little.Many greetings Barbarabarbara@stein-werk.ch
Nilmini Francis
Jun 30, 2020
Wishing a speedy end to this crisis.
Jun 29, 2020
Jun 29, 2020
Hope this helps a bit in these difficult timesJune Lockley
Gail Shaw
Jun 2, 2020
Wishing everyone involved in this very special project safe and healthy times.Please return to Toronto in the near future. There is always room for you here.
Jun 2, 2020
Best wishes!
May 31, 2020
Thanks for this wonderful Initiative! We enjoy our beautiful sculpture by Morgen every day. Take care
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Vivienne Prince
Harare, Zimbabwe
My name is Vivienne Prince. I am concerned about how our sculptors will manage at this time of uncertainty and have offered to help them with the management and finances of this campaign. I have been supporting Zimbabwean sculptors for 20 years. No profit will be made.