Iʼve raised £50 to Help Pay for Nalas Operation after an Air Rifle Shooting
- Funded on Tuesday, 14th December 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Hello, So As some of you know my little Nala has been shot with an Air Rifle and now needs an emergency operation to remove the pellet and save her leg.
This has come at an awful time with a new baby on the way too! So many people have told me to set up a fund page fo get some help towards Nalas op! This operation is going to cost me around £500😳
I will keep you updated regarding Nalas Recovery💖
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Zoe Rudge started crowdfunding
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Aug 17, 2021
Hope you get her sorted Mia xx
Aug 17, 2021
Hope this helps a little. X
Kaitlyn Simpkins
Aug 17, 2021
Jennie Williams
Aug 17, 2021
Aug 16, 2021
So sorry babe 😭 sorry it’s not much xxxxx
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