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Our aim is to support community-led, long-term socio-economic transformation of indigenous Adivasi communities in Southern Rajasthan. We do this by strengthening education provision to improve young people's life skills and providing health programmes to support healthy pregnancies and childhoods.
Educate for Life Registered charity number 1114271
"Wedding donation from friends and family"
Neha and saikrishna donated
$2,000.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"From my Christmas money! Good luck with your goal. "
Noah Miskelly donated
£20.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"What you do is inspiring"
Anonymous donated
"Keep up the good work Akshay. You're an inspiration. Best wishes to you all. "
Priya Patel donated
£51.00 + £12.75 Gift Aid
"Glad to help and support this great cause"
Rishi donated
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
"Education is our future "
£250.00 + £62.50 Gift Aid
Bhasin Family has raised $3,032.79 so far
In loving memory of Suraj Parkash Bhasin