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The Haemophilia Society is the only UK-wide charity for all those affected by a genetic bleeding disorder. We want to ensure that everyone affected by a bleeding disorder has equality of opportunity, the chance to connect with others in the community and the knowledge to feel empowered.
The Haemophilia Society Registered charity number 288260 (England & Wales), SC039732 (Scotland)
"For Gill with love and thank you for the wonderful memories xxx"
Pauline O'Brien donated
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
"Wonderful treasured memories with Sheila and Jim and family xxx"
Kathryn Foley donated
"In loving memory of Gill x"
Liam Holder donated
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
"In loving memory of Gill"
Steve & Karen donated
£40.00 + £10.00 Gift Aid
"In loving memory of Gill and also Len. "
Pete, Helen, Ollie and Will donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
Sarah & Steve donated
THE INDEPENDENT PEDALER has raised $4,574.83 so far
I'm We're supporting Alex for THE INDEPENDENT PEDALER because of the impact they have on children's lives.
Matthew Sutton has raised $3,693.45 so far
I'm I am doing several long distance runs and swims for Matthew Sutton because I want to raise awareness on behalf of my family
Marie Clare has raised $2,555.19 so far
I'm 15 colleagues will walk, cycle or run for 50 days for Marie Clare because we are passionate about helping others
Mark Tibbutt has raised $2,177.29 so far
I'm In memory of my Mum for Mark Tibbutt because Our families life long link with Haemophilia
Lauren Dougherty has raised $1,573.19 so far
36 day challenge for Lucca
Becky Dutton-Geraghty has raised $1,504.03 so far
Raise money for The Haemophilia Society & enter a draw to win a portrait