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Malala Fund is working for a world where all girls can learn and lead without fear. Malala and Ziauddin Yousafzai founded Malala Fund in 2013 to champion every girl’s right to 12 years of free, safe, quality education.
Malala Fund Registered charity number 811397590
"Thank you for your work."
Anonymous donated
"dear Malala thank you I need all girls worldwide to be completely knowledgeable about the true ecological status of the planet = for able girls to be green leaders = to save our planet while we can"
Stean Anthony donated
Walkers Global has raised $85,921.36 so far
Walkers fundraising page for WFF IWD 2021 Challenge
Mourant . has raised $20,238.72 so far
I'm Team Mourant #ChooseToChallenge for Mourant . because
Allen and Overy has raised $15,181.56 so far
A&O fundraising page for WFF IWD 2021 Challenge
Women Of Intrado Network has raised $3,124.48 so far
Support Malala Fund On International Day of the Girl!!!
Macquarie Fund Finance has raised $2,421.31 so far
Gen Davis has raised $2,219.16 so far
I'm Cutting my hair to make a wig for kids with cancer for Gen Davis because