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Oxford Hospitals Charity helps transform our local hospitals - the Oxford Children's Hospital, John Radcliffe, Horton General, Churchill and NOC - funding the latest medical equipment, research and facilities.Thank you so much for your amazing support. Find out more at
Oxford Hospitals Charity Registered charity number 1175809
"For the great care you gave to my partner when he stayed in intensive care in September. Also thank you to the hardworking staff."
Anonymous donated
"Love you Nanny Kathy (0422)"
Billi-boo donated
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
"Thank you to all of the respiratory team who helped my amazing Mum Kathy. Hoping to raise money in her memory to support the team ❤️ Love and miss you Mum 💔 Fund Ref 0422"
Sarah Heatlie donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"Joan was such a lovely lady. She was always surrounded by her beautiful family. Sleep tight ❤️"
Al & Jan Green donated
"You provided so much joy for so many, Joan, and have left happy memories. You will be sadly missed, but fondly remembered. Rest in peace. Love, Karen and Amelia xx"
Karen and Amelia Jackson donated
"Supporting Oxford Hospitals Charity with all my heart. Love you Nan, Nathalie, Jane, Simone, Sacha, and Rebekah xxxx."
Jane Safar donated
£500.00 + £125.00 Gift Aid
Johanna Dodd has raised $1,406,188.84 so far
I'm Raising money for research into Childhood Cancer for Johanna Dodd because William was a star and this is his legacy.
Silver Star Society Findlay has raised $65,567.55 so far
I'm Supporting maternity services at the JR Hospital for Silver Star Society Findlay because we want the best care possible for Mothers to be
Gareth Keymer has raised $37,254.30 so far
I'm Please donate here in memory of Gethin for Gareth Keymer because we'd like to thank the hospital for everything!
Ivy's Gifts has raised $28,133.11 so far
I'm Keep giving to the little girl that gave so much for Ivy's Gifts because of the care that they provide everyday to so many!
Angela Lang has raised $25,081.58 so far
Raising money to fight Ewing's Sarcoma
Judith and Mark Williams - Murphy has raised $20,733.08 so far
I'm Help us support The Ashfield Trust for Judith and Mark Williams - Murphy because in loving memory of our son Jacob James.