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Pine Tree Camp opened its gates in 1945 as a summer camp for children with physical disabilities. Over the years, it has evolved into a place where children and adults with disabilities are able to participate in all the recreational activities for which Maine is known all year long.
Pine Tree Society Registered charity number 010212442
"In loving memory of my Pepere, David Wooley. "
Allison D'Agostino donated
$150.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"In loving memory of your grandfather David Wooley, from your friends and family from Commonwealth Financial Network."
$100.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Thank You for joining - keep up the good work."
Donna Cote donated
"Thank you for offering this important service!"
Joel & Ann Haley donated
$30.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"I am donating in Memory Of George A Furlong III who went to camp when he was a boy. "
George a Furlong IV donated
$5.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Really hope I see everybody next summer!"
Nate donated
$50.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
Jared Baker has raised $1,539.17 so far
49th Dysart's Ride-In to Benefit Pine Tree Camp/Q106.5 Celebrity Egg Ride
Jake Warn has raised $175.90 so far
Dysart's Snowmobile Ride-in to benefit Pine Tree Camp fundraiser
Jean Youde has raised $125.65 so far
Jean's Paddle For Pine Tree Camp
Anastasia V Kupranenkova has raised $62.82 so far
Larry Dick has raised $31.41 so far
Candy perira