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Every year we provide care and support to over 6,500 people across South East London, both at home and in the hospice. We passionately believe that everyone should have access to the best care at the end of their lives. We need to fundraise £16 million each year to continue our services
St Christopher's Hospice Registered charity number 210667
"In memory of my beautiful friend Claire Flynn who you all cared for till the end so amazingly well from 9/1/25 to 22/1/25 thank you. Rest in peaceful sleep my darling girl. Nicki xxxx"
Nicki Davies donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"With our love to all the family at this sad time."
Derek, Steven & Brinda Palmer. Also Francis & Tzonia Ramasawmy donated
£85.00 + £21.25 Gift Aid
"To keep him safe and well "
For Mark donated
"Donation in memory of David Murphy"
Ann & Alan donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
"In loving memory of our Aunt Doris, who will be sadly missed by all"
The Wray family (Pam,Jean,Christine, Shirley and Paul) donated
£50.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"A donation to celebrate Sacha's birthday! X"
Grace's Day Nursery donated
£20.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Sarah harman has raised $143,758.98 so far
Volunteering to raise vital funds for St Christopher's Hospice
Sarah Fletcher has raised $21,110.51 so far
I'm fundraising in honour of my beloved husband Chris for Sarah Fletcher because they do amazing and much needed work
MICHAEL TWOMEY has raised $18,931.21 so far
I'm Fantastic total of £13,000+ has been raised so far for MICHAEL TWOMEY because they care for family & friends at the end of life
Kelly Press has raised $7,587.10 so far
I'm Fundraising in honour of Robert for Kelly Press because of the vital care they provided for all the family
Zoe Moss has raised $7,458.56 so far
In Rebecca Loxston's Memory (St Christopher's Hospice)
Barrington Machon has raised $6,843.78 so far
I'm Raising money through a series of events. for Barrington Machon because they do amazing work...