£10,000. 90 minutes. 28 Players. 2 Teams. 1 Match.
In May 2017 28 players from the local community will be taking part in a Charity Football match to help raise valuable funds for The Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
As part of Coaches Club we want to give back to our local community and support people who are doing fantastic work. To do this, we thought why not get 28 unfit blokes to run around a field for 90 minutes?
If you'd like to donate we'd be really grateful - we've set ourselves an ambitious target of £10,000 and we're determined to hit it. 100% of the money we raise will go to the charity, as we're covering all the costs personally.
We also have 275 tickets on sale for you to come and watch us, priced £10 for adults and £5 for children. If you'd like a ticket, You can purchase the from our website here: https://bit.ly/2mwVgFc
A message from Dave...
As a grassroots football coach I know how much football can impact people's lives, and for some it is an escape from troubles in their lives where they can be around friends, get some physical activity in and let their troubles go away. The individuals involved, be they coaches or other volunteers, are on hand to offer valuable support both on and off the pitch.
For others, football saves them from feeling down and low, and is something for them to look forward to each week. It has helped me battle through tough times, with the prospect of playing football something that kept me going when other things in my life weren't going to plan. I want to make sure football is portrayed in a positive light, thanks to all the good it can do.
I'm sure you're all aware of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. We hear stories all the time of people getting into difficulties and needing to be rescued, but it's only when a close family member experiences one of these situations you realise how fragile life is. What you might not realise is they attend football matches more than you think. Be it players or referees, the YAA have saved countless lives on the field.
If we can help The Air Ambulance crews stay in the air for even one day, that is somebody's Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Partner that we can save, and spare them heartache.
We'd be extremely grateful for anything you can spare - whether it be the cost of a pint, a donation of a prize or even your help in volunteering on the day. It sounds corny, but every little helps - I'm sure we can put you to good use on the day - waterboys are always needed!