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The Friends of Ty Gwyn Special School raises money for school equipment and other resources for use by our pupils. The school has 240 pupils between the ages of 3 and 19. All of whom have profound and multiple learning difficulties. Charity Number: 1107229
The Friends of Ty Gwyn Special School Registered charity number 1107229
"All the best kids. Wishing you the best of luck to get your mini bus soon! 🚌 "
A&J donated
£10.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Here's the donation from the Nanny Pats Knits before Christmas Paul Cubbin"
Nanny Pat's Knits donated
£400.00 + £100.00 Gift Aid
"In support of all who walked 10k to help raise money for the minibus"
Noah L-C donated
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
"Met you all walking down the taff trail on Sunday. Good luck! "
Zoe donated
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
"Christmas Raffle Tickets"
Rudy Cole donated
"Raffle ticket ×1 2023"
Jack W donated
£3.50 + £0.88 Gift Aid
Mark Levers has raised $908.70 so far
I'm I am raising funds in lieu of birthday presents for Mark Levers because my son Noah has attended the school for many years
Hayley Mulkerrins has raised $574.25 so far
I'm I am raising funds for Hayley Mulkerrins because
Hannah Hicks has raised $252.42 so far
I'm Sponsored Walk for Hannah Hicks because
Hayley matthews has raised $151.45 so far
Hayley’s page
Julia Webb has raised $151.45 so far
I'm Me and Maddie are helping raise funds for Julia Webb because They are amazing.
Anthony Cannon-Jones has raised $69.41 so far
Anthony’s page