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Sam Jordison raised £5,731.94 from 339 supporters
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Closed 07/05/2016
Iʼve raised £5,731 to Make up for the money that was stolen from the Big Green Bookshop on 6 April.
- Funded on Saturday, 7th May 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
On 7 April, someone swiped £600 from the till of the Big Green Bookshop in Wood Green.
One of the owners, Simon Key, told me:
"I don't really want to go into too much detail about the circumstances, but essentially it seems that while Tim was helping a customer look for a book, someone got behind the counter and whipped a bundle of cash.
We've been in touch with the police, but sadly, as nobody saw anything it's unlikely we'll get it back.
£600 is a LOT of money for us and it's gonna really hurt not having it.
Hopefully we'll sell a few books over the next week or so and claw some of it back. "
It's a tough time to be running a bookshop - and losing money like this makes it all the tougher. This crime sucks especially because The Big Green Bookshop is far more than a retail outlet. Simon, Tim and all the staff work incredibly hard not just to bring literature to a part of London too many people write-off, but to bring people together there, to run exciting and interesting events, to involve all kinds of people... They rock, basically.
Have a look at their facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/4992588964/?fref=ts) to see just how much they've got going on and how hard they work.
I once interviewed Ben Fountain in this shop, which says a lot about how great they are. You might not know it, but this is one of the world's greatest living writers. He's sorely under-appreciated here in the UK. But The Big Green Bookshop sweated bullets to help raise his profile. They did it for art! They've also done great work supporting Indy publishers.
Anyway, I love this place, I know many other people do and it's awful to see them hurt.
Speaking in broader terms, we all love the idea of Independent Bookshops and having them in our communities - but it's often hard to know how to support them. Giving a few quid here is something you can do right now to help maintain a vital outpost on the British literary scene. Go to it friends!
- 9 years ago
Sam Jordison
9 years agoThank you everyone. This has been an amazing thing. Simon and Tim have brilliant plans for the money. More here: http://woodgreenbookshop.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/taking-crowdfunding-to-another-level.html They're also having a party on 28 May, and you're invited!
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- 9 years ago
Sam Jordison
9 years agoCan we get to £6000?
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- 9 years ago
Sam Jordison
9 years agoAll the tributes pouring into Big Green Books are really touching. Wonderful that so many neighbours and customers are thinking of them. It's also incredibly moving to see people from around the world donating. There have been loads of donations from America. Loads! Thanks USA!
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- 9 years ago
Sam Jordison
9 years agoGreat article from Simon in The Guardian too: http://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2016/apr/08/big-green-bookshop-london-just-giving
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The Old Hippy
Apr 26, 2016
Sorry to hear about the theft, but . . there are more good people than bad! Good luck to you, from an old radical/radical bookseller!
Apr 25, 2016
Sorry it's not a bit more.
Apr 22, 2016
Apr 21, 2016
Patrick Martin
Apr 20, 2016
Good luck, long live books and readers
Apr 17, 2016
Only just heard the news. Best thing about all the donations is that the b***ard won't be able to nick any of that money. Now laughing in the face of this despicable human ‘bean’!
Chia Jones Gang
Apr 16, 2016
We love you BGB!!!!
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Sam Jordison
I'm a journalist and the co-director of Galley Beggar Press. Here's my Guardian profile: http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/samjordison