We did it!
Phil Millar raised £2,219 from 127 supporters
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Closed 30/09/2016
Iʼve raised £2,219 to help striking cleaners working in HMRC to take action against their employer.
- Funded on Friday, 30th September 2016
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Cleaners working for ISS UK have had their hours slashed without any negotiation. The cleaners work in HMRC buildings across Merseyside and need your support.
ISS have refused to negotiate so the cleaners have been forced to take Industrial Action to get ISS UK to the negotiating table.
While taking part in this action, They need your help and support, if you can spare some cash to help their fight, it would be greatly appreciated.
All funds raised will go directly to the cleaning staff employed by ISS UK in HMRC buildings on Mersyside.
The funds will be used to make up strike pay to help those who lose out while taking part in industrial action.
If the action is successful and any funds are no longer required, anything left over will be donated to the PCS Fighting Fund to go towards industrial action by other comrades in PCS.
- 8 years ago
Phil Millar
8 years agoThanks to everyone who has supported the campaign so far! We've wrapped up this fundraiser while we await further talks with ISS about the future of the jobs for the cleaners in HMRC. We wouldn't have got this far without your help!
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- 8 years ago
Phil Millar
8 years agoFollowing action in July, the cleaners across the Merseyside had planned a further walkout from Monday. Today, the cleaners agreed to suspened that action following ISS agreement to immediately reinstate the lost hours and halt proposals to reduce hours in other HMRC sites and to allow for talks on long-term pay and conditions. This wouldn't have been possible without all the support show for our cleaners, your donations helped them take the effective action they needed to get this agreement from ISS. Thank you all so much!
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- 8 years ago
Phil Millar
8 years agoThe last 24 hours have been incredible for the campaign. Everyone here is so grateful for your generosity. We've decided to up the goal to £3000 now, with that extra money we can afford to take more direct action and really put pressure on ISS to come to the negotiation table and help the cleaners. Thanks again for everyone's amazing contributions!
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- 8 years ago
Phil Millar
8 years agoThanks to everyone for the amazing level of support you've shown to the cleaners here. Every penny is really appreciated and helps us in our fight for fair treatment. This last week has been incredible. We've had two days of striking and have had an a lot of solidarity from the public and our fellow workers in HMRC offices. The picket lines have been really lively and friendly and we've been so grateful for everything people have done to help. Thank you so much everyone!
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Phil Millar started crowdfunding
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Sep 2, 2016
Aug 30, 2016
Good luck!
Sharon Leslie
Aug 27, 2016
Solidarity to all HMRC cleaners. You're determination gives other low paid workers the confidence to fight their exploiting employers.
Aug 22, 2016
Aug 4, 2016
james moed
Aug 4, 2016
20 years ago we started shaming companies like NIke for mistreatment of their outsourced factory workers in poor countries.The media pressure and consumer anger worked. Lets do the same here in the UK
Aug 3, 2016
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