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Closed 16/06/2016
Iʼve raised £0 to Help the osprey population in Wales,
- Gwynedd, Wales
- Closed on Thursday, 16th June 2016
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Friends of the Ospreys are trying to raise funds, to help put up artificial nests, in north Wales, we have built some nests, and need to raise funds to help keep these nest in good condition year on year,
We need to build more nests so the young from the four nests we have,
Have a nest to come home to,
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Darren Moore started crowdfunding
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Darren Moore
Gwynedd, Wales
My name is Darren Moore, From a group called friends of the Ospreys, Where raising funds to help the, Conservation and population in Wales In Wales there are only 4 known pairs of breeding Ospreys, with the nest that we build, witch will help other Ospreys into the area,