We did it!
Lisanne Valente raised £2,715 from 72 supporters
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Closed 03/08/2015
Iʼve raised £2,715 to Help pay for of damage caused by vandals.
- The Hermitage, Braid Hills Drive, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 3rd August 2015
Don't have time to donate right now?
Vandals broke into The Hermitage and caused 1500-£2000 worth of damage! It’s extreme and just completely senseless. We have to repair all 3 polytunnel doors that were slashed to pieces and one of the polytunnels will have to be completely reskinned. The bothy needs a clean up but the workshop has to have all the windows replaced.
- 9 years ago
Lisanne Valente
9 years agoThe Hermitage crowdfunding page ended today and Justgiving are collecting the pledges. We exceeded the target, which is wonderful, extra funds will go towards repairing the mess caused by the second break-in. I just want to thank every single person who helped. You are all truly amazing and make the world a better place. Thank you. Lisanne xx
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- 9 years ago
Lisanne Valente
9 years agoI am stunned, but not surprised by the kindness of everyone who has helped to get us nearer to the target. We're 67% of the way thank you xxx
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Lisanne Valente started crowdfunding
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Aug 7, 2015
Good Luck Lisanne xx
Aug 4, 2015
Aug 4, 2015
Repeating as there was a problem with the last pledge
Jul 31, 2015
Jul 25, 2015
Kristi Long
Jul 24, 2015
Jul 24, 2015
I hope this helps a little. My son is 12 & has autism so I understand the impact this will have, and it sickens me. Good luck :)
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Lisanne Valente
The Hermitage, Braid Hills Drive, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
The photo is my son, Michael an autistic man with severe learning disabilities. He is standing at the top of Ben Nevis - achieved thanks to Autism Initiatives and the carers that help him.