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Trevor Philpott raised £80 from 2 supporters
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Closed 13/07/2016
Iʼve raised £80 to start a new programme of rehabilitation / support for veteran offenders and their families - http://veteranschangepartnership.co.uk
- Hannahs, Seale Hayne, Newton Abbot Devon
- Funded on Wednesday, 13th July 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
Under the Armed Forces Covenant the Nation undertakes to provide due care and support for its military veterans and their families.
Whilst the majority of veterans achieve an excellent transition back into civilian life, others struggle. The unique challenges that individuals face during their transition can result in some entering the criminal justice system (CJS). Currently, it is estimated that 7% of the prison population are military veterans (circa 6000+). Individual prisons are reporting 10 - 14%. Similar numbers are on probation or community orders. Many others are sleeping rough. Most suffer with various levels of mental illness - depression through to deep anxiety and PTSD. The human and financial costs are enormous, amounting to many millions of Pounds; suicide rates are also increasing.
In order to address this tragic situation and meet the principles and values enshrined within the Armed Forces Covenant, there is a growing need for positive interventions to be provided, including a better understanding of their needs, particularly mental health, physical well-being and skills training.
The Veterans Change Partnership (VCP) intends to meet this need through the provision of early mentoring and motivational contact in prison and or the community, followed by 11 week intensive residential programmes of therapy, academic, social and life skills training, rebuilding the sense of pride, confidence and self-worth that these veterans once knew. On completion they will be mentored and supported into further training, employment and accommodation, thereby transforming lives and saving money.
In parallel, advice and guidance will be offered to those families who are in need, helping to rebuild relationships and avoid family breakdown.
To deliver this, we seek your support for financial pump priming towards the continuing costs of development. All and any contributions are appreciated; thank you.
See - http://veteranschangepartnership.co.uk/

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Bob Spencer
Jun 13, 2016
Well done Trevor. Great cause
Jun 13, 2016
What an excellent programme Trevor Thank you for all the work you do helping veteran offenders and their families.
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Trevor Philpott
Hannahs, Seale Hayne, Newton Abbot Devon
Trevor Philpott OBE FRSA - served for 34 years in the Royal Marines. A graduate of the Royal Naval Staff College and NATO Defence College, he retired in the rank of Lt Col. A former member of CSJ Prison Reform Group, he has been involved in penal reform for the last 18 years.