Bill Donovan

Make Bill Bald

Fundraising for PDSA
raised of £1,000 target
by 39 supporters
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Bill Donovan's fundraising, 5 July 2010

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 208217 & SC037585
We offer professional veterinary services to pets and owners in need across the UK


One week to go - still some places available with the clippers!

First of all, a massive thank you to all those who've contributed so far. We went through the original 300 pound target unbelievably quickly, but I want MORE! I've set a new target of £1000, a nice round number - and as it's coming up to payday for a lot of you I want to see all the people who've promised but not contributed to dig deep.

The actual event has been moved to Monday 2nd of August, and it will be held at my house sometime around 7:30pm - space is limited and of course priority will be given based on how generous you've been. If you want to attend send me a message via the Facebook group or in the message that you can give when you donate.


Changed the photo because some people thought I wasn't giving up enough. Don't make me get all Geldof here.


Target smashed - but keep on giving

Amazingly we've smashed the original 300 pound target in less than 6 hours, massive thanks to everyone who's donated so far.

As to the rest of you - what's stopping you? Any amount is welcome, and don't forget - 50 quid buys you a go with the clippers and/or razor.

Join the facebook group for updates, photos, etc as they happen -!/group.php?gid=113782042002512

Tony Coleman was one of my best friends. He faced any problem life threw at him not just with bravery and strength but with a joke and a smile, and life really did throw some problems at him. When he died, tragically young, in May this year I knew I had to do something proper to commemorate him, and maybe to do a little bit of good for the rest of the world in his name.

But what? It had to be something uncomfortable to me - no-one's going to sponsor me to lie in a hammock and eat biscuits all day (and God knows I tried). Sure there are all kinds of sponsored runs, walks, jogs, and throwing myself out of or off of various high things, but none of them really passed the "Would Tony think this was funny?" test - and that test was important to me because if there was one think that defined Tony in everything he did it was his humour. Also those other things look like they'd hurt and they wouldn't let me do a parachute jump drunk (and what kind of lunatic would do one sober?).

The choice of charity was pretty easy. PDSA (The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals) do magnificent, but mostly unheralded work providing medical care for pets whose owners can't afford to go to a conventional vet. Tony loved animals and the work PDSA did, and I wholeheartedly support them too. Click the link on the left to read more about their work.

The idea came to me at his funeral, of all places, and to anyone who saw me burst out laughing as the hearse arrived I can only apologise - but I hope you'll understand now if I didn't explain it to you then. The idea was too perfect to keep to myself and the reception from people I mentioned it to was too enthusiastic for me to back down from it, so here we are. You see for all his positive traits, Tony did have one teeny tiny flaw - he was a slaphead. The shaved head that he sported had nothing to do with fashion and everything to do with a bald spot that would make Terry Nutkins proud - even though as a kid he'd had magnificent flowing locks not unlike my own.

So here's the idea. I will shave my head on Saturday the 31st of July. If we reach the 300 quid goal I will also wet-shave it to billiard-ball smoothness (and shininess).

So get giving. Like right now, before I change my mind. My employers, BSkyB, will match the first 300 pounds of donations, so if we reach the target that's 600 pounds right off the bat. Need more incentive? If you donate 50 pounds or more you get to have a go with the clippers/razor. The more you give the longer you get, so give till it hurts, then give some more.

In addition to my employer's contribution, if you give money via JustGiving they will automatically add GiftAid if you are a UK taxpayer, meaning even more money goes to charity. Seriously, get going. Donate now. If you won't do it to save tiny puppies lives then do it to see a grown man cry as he loses his beautiful tresses. Do it. Do it NOW.

About the charity


Verified by JustGiving

RCN 208217 & SC037585
We believe that all pets should have access to veterinary care – regardless of their owners’ financial situation. Over 100 years, we’ve helped more than 20 million sick and injured pets – providing life-saving vet care to more vulnerable pets than any other animal charity in the UK today.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £200.26 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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