Muhit Khan

Muhit's page

Fundraising for Ebrahim College
raised of £2,000 target
by 11 supporters
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Event: Ebrahim College - Makka Twin Peaks April 2010, on 4 April 2010
Ebrahim College

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1108141


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim and Assalamu Alaikum to everyone,


I have decided to embark on the spiritual journey of Umrah which I have been thinking about for many years now and with the recent events in my personal life this has opened the door for this journey to begin sooner rather than later Alhamdulillah.


I am going with Ebrahim College who specialise in Short and long terms courses and are primarily an academic institution.

See their Website for more information.

Now, many of you may be questioning of the 'justness' of this cause as it is not comparable to the coming to the aid of natural disasters, feeding the poor or educating an orphan etc.

Well, what inspired me to fund raise for Ebrahim College is that they are ‘Tasked with the glorious responsibility of educating the mind of the people’ which includes you and me.

For too long we have been living and admiring the achievements and successes of our ancestors and have been failing to continue on their passion for education, knowledge and wisdom. To reach that higher plateau of greatness if you like!

Many of you will know I could write for ages on this topic but will spare you all a lecture ;-) but just wanted to throw my two cents worth into the mix and help in whatever way I can Insha-a Allah.   


To convince you further and to help sweeten the journey for your right hand to reach down into your pockets I will be doing a sponsored climb of the following two mountains.


Mount Noor (Jabal E Noor)

The cave where Prophet Muhammed (SAWS) first received revelation.

Mount Thawr (Jabal E Thawr)

The cave that provided sanctuary for the Prophet (SAWS) and his companion Abu Bakr (RA)


I am setting myself a target of 6 hours to climb both mountains in one day. I am willing to take pledges from everyone to up their donations if I can finish the climb in less time. (I'll let you set the bar individually on your donations and no, doing it in 2 hours is not an option!! ;-) Hehehehe )

Also, I just wanted to confirm that the donations you make will in no way aid me in funding this trip. Every single penny donated will go towards the Charity so please dig deep.

Even if it's £10 pounds that you can afford then please donate.


I will also be accepting Duwah Requests while at Umrah so please contact me separately.

Jazak Allah Khair for your support. 


About the charity

Ebrahim College

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1108141
Ebrahim College was established in 2003 as a Darul Uloom style seminary appropriate for the modern world. The aim was to benefit from the rigour and credibility of the traditional Darul Uloom and, where it was deemed beneficial, merge it with the best in modern curriculum development, pedagogy, technology and research.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £119.87 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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