Stephanie Sawyer

Steph's The National Three Peaks Challenge page

raised of £650 target
by 77 supporters
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Event: The National Three Peaks Challenge, from 1 August 2015 to 2 August 2015
In memory of Chelsea Leonard

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1201654
We fund life-changing and life-saving work to support cancer patients at The Christie


Myself and a group of others have decided to take on the National 3 Peak Challenge on 31st July-2nd August 2015. 

What is this challenge you might ask? Well, the challenge is an attempt to climb the highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales in 24hours. These peaks are Ben Nevis in Scotland, Scafell Pike in England, and Snowdon in Wales. The total horizontal distance is 26 miles (42Km) which is the equivalent to running a marathon and a whopping 3000 vertical metres!! Yikes!!

Why would I do such a thing? Well, why not? I'm lazy and I need to get my act together and do something with myself, but most of all because I would love to be able to raise as much as I can for an amazing charity that provided the support and care to someone very special to me 

Chelsea Leanne Leonard – THE bravest, strongest and most beautiful woman I have ever known and here is why……..

Chelsea and I grew up together in Sheffield. I'd known Chelsea since the day she was born. Her mum and mine were best friends and were practically inseparable, as were the pair of us and my sister Abi. We went on many holidays abroad together and the regular trip to the caravan in Skegness was standard. We were never without our Mc Donalds bumbags and our shell suits (we were so cool back in the day). We obviously shared many happy times together but also supported each other through the tough times - Chelsea lost her mum to cancer at the young age of 12.

My family moved to Blackpool when we were in our teens which meant that we didn't get to see each other as often as we'd have liked, but being the close friends that we were, we kept in touch and visited eachother as often as we could in the school holidays. 

Moving on a good few years, Chelsea had found the love of her life, Matthew, and I had married my husband, Mike. We had both settled down and it was a lovely surprise to find that we were both expecting our first babies.

Chelsea began to feel unwell during the latter stages of her pregnancy and at 37 weeks pregnant on the 8th July 2013 she was diagnosed with stomach cancer with liver metastasis. On 10th July 2013 Chelsea gave birth to the most beautiful and healthy baby girl, Willow, after labour was induced.

The prognosis for Chelsea was poor and the way she accepted it with such courage, strength and dignity just showed the kind of person that she was- THE bravest, strongest and most beautiful woman I have ever known.  Matthew, Willow, her family and friends were so important to her and she decided that she would do all that she possibly could to fight this hideous disease, in order to spend as much time as she could with those closest to her.  Not once did I hear Chelsea complain or talk negatively, she took each day in her stride concentrating on the positives in her life.

Chelsea was guided through 13 cycles of chemotherapy including 10 cycles on a clinical trial with the support of her family, friends, consultant and the nurses at the Christie. The early stages of the treatment showed promising signs.

Chelsea and Matthew bought their dream home in Ulley, Sheffield in February 2014 and on their first evening in their house Matthew proposed and of course, his girl said YES !!
On 7th June 2014 Chelsea married the man of her dreams watched on by her friends and family and of course their beautiful baby Willow. It was an amazing day and Chelsea looked stunning and so happy but it was clear that she was growing tired. This would be the last time that I would ever see my beautiful friend.

Shortly after her wedding day, Chelsea’s condition worsened and she was admitted to the Christie where she was cared for by the palliative team. They managed her pain and made her as comfortable as possible until she passed away peacefully on 30th June 2014 at the age of 27, just two weeks before Willow’s first birthday.

Chelsea was a loving wife and an amazing mummy who was completely devoted to Willow. She was the best friend that anyone could ever wish for. Chelsea put others’ needs before her own, she was there to listen if you needed and there to offer straight talking advice whether you wanted it or not (she was never one to shy away from speaking her mind was our Chel <3).
 So I’ll say it again, Chelsea Leanne Leonard is THE bravest, strongest and most beautiful woman I have ever known.
Chelsea’s story has inspired me in a number of ways. I have learned, to everyday appreciate my life and the people in it. I no longer take things for granted, which I am guilty of doing in the past. I will live for today, look forward to tomorrow and cherish the memories of yesterday.

I aim to do more to raise money for charity, especially the Christie who do such amazing work for people like Chelsea.

Thank you for reading and please ‘dig deep’ to support such an amazing charity.


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About the charity


Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1201654
The Christie charity provides enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds. Your support can help us to fund life-changing and potentially life-saving projects that will benefit cancer patients both now and in the future.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £326.75 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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