Kevin Rego

Kevin Rego's Marathon run!

Fundraising for The Migraine Trust
raised of £250 target
by 17 supporters
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Event: British 10K London Run 2009, on 12 July 2009
The Migraine Trust

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1081300
We promote research into migraine to support people affected by them


And for those of you who wanted to know how my run went on Sunday, here are a few opinions, a few observations, some random thoughts while running and some suggestions too!
Like I know its recession time so a BIG THANK you to those who contributed to my run – financially and through well wishes. When you do a 10 k run without complete training everything is welcomeJ
Like I did the run in 1 hour and eleven minutes- bad, I know. Last year was 1 hour and 2 minutes...that’s 9 minutes more. Either I am getting on in life or I need to hit the road more often.
Like the highlight of the run was this guy in my eight member team who flew in from Mexico some 10 hours earlier and did the 10 k run in 44 minutes!!!And Jose, his name, still looked like he could do another one!!
Like the weather behaved. The overwhelming crowd support all throughout was heartening. The bands playing ‘Rule Britannia’ and ‘Jerusalem’ certainly helped liven the mood.
Like I after crossing waterloo bridge (   having ran though Trafalgar square and Embankment) and finding it that it was still 5 kilometres to go was worrying...the legs were tiring...the there was embankement again, then right up Westminster bridge, the big ben, Westminster Abbey and then 10 downing street where it will all end-walking was never going to be an option.. So pushed every sinew in the body from then on to reach the destination
 Like I recall seeing Ox, a bear, a banana doing the run this year. And some children, a eighty year old chap and a guy with crutches- all for a cause
Like I had turned my IPod to listen to songs from the movie soundtrack of ‘The Thomas Crown Affair’-while running. Switched it off after a while to listen to the cheers of those who had come to support the run
Like switching the ipods also meant listening to conversations while running- “Brown should dismiss MP’s who have misused public funds”....” the Honduras President kidnapping was shocking, that Jordan is such a *****”...”Rio tinto”...”wahaca in chandos place sound good to go for a bite later...”
And like every year I thought of all of you who contributed to my run for the migraine trust while doing the marathon...and those who didn’t too...and those who chose to be anonymous while donating.
Like looking for a South Asian face during the run was like looking for a..erm..maybe nukes in Iraq..
And finally with over 20,000 runners, several charities and over 2 million pounds raised in total .Not bad considering the times we live in.
 Thanks again!!!

About the charity

The Migraine Trust

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1081300
Migraine is the most common and disabling neurological disorder in the UK, which affects 1 in 7 people. The Migraine Trust is the only research and support charity for people affected by migraine in the UK. We fund and promote research, provide support and information, and campaign for change.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £77.56 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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