Mark Versey

Mark Versey - 2010 Project Manager

raised of £18,000 target
by 9 supporters
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Mark Versey's Fundraising Page, 10 December 2008


Thank you for visiting my 2010 Project page ... can you help me please?

Update 4th September 2009

For my latest ministry newsletter "Views from Verz" please e-mail me at 

Match for a Day

I have an exciting and busy time over this next six weeks as we prepare towards Match for a Day, AIS Africa's premier fund raising event to help raise funds towards developing Hope Academies across Africa. 

I have the pleasure of putting together the AIS squad for the event with Lee Sharpe (former Manchester United, England Soccer Player) once again coming across to South Africa to play on the team, with various cameo appearances from other ex-professionals and local celebrities as well as the AIS South Africa staff and volunteers. For further information on Match for a Day please visit or my separate fund raising page where you can give towards this event.

TREC (Training, Resourcing, Equipping Coaches)

I have three more TREC Courses to coordinate and run in 2009. 

TREC Soweto: September 15th - 18th

TREC Drakenstein Hope Academy: November 2nd - 6th

TREC Durban: November 16th - 20th

All three of these courses will be run at new venues as we look to broaden the number of coaches coming through our coach education program.

Plans for the 2010 TREC Program are also well under way, as we look to bring our international TREC coach educators across to facilitate us running coaching courses across South Africa. February 2010 will be the launch of our   first instructors course in South Africa as we look to equip local coaches who have previously obtained their Level 1 & 2 TREC Certification to apply to join this instructors course.

The Ultimate Goal (TUG) 

With the FIFA World Cup fast approaching (now under 280 days!) the touring team service providers are busy finalising their 2010 tours and AIS are no different as we try to source the right locations, accommodation, transportation for our teams. We have an exciting selection of tours available for next year and if you would like a brochure on our 2010 Mission Tour opportunities please e-mail 

As a TUG Steering committee we have recently had an excellent team meeting in Johannesburg and now have plenty of action points to attend to as we look to serve the church in it's preparations and programs throughout 2010.

Remaining 2009 TUG Steering Committee Meetings.

Limpopo: 21st - 22nd October 2009

Cape Town: 25th - 26th November 2009

Personal Support

Once again I thank God for the superb support team behind me and without their prayers and financial support I could not serve God effectively here in South Africa.

I now have 16 people who give on a monthly basis bringing in just over £500 per month, again this summer I have been blessed with a number of one off gifts and with the amounts raised by Felixstowe and Stowmarket Salvation Army Corps in their fundraising events I praise God that he continues to provide everything I need. 

If you feel God is calling you to become part of my support team and you would like to give on a regular monthly basis or you would like to give a one off gift or organise a fundraiser  that would be fantastic and a real answer to prayer.

If you would like further information on supporting my ministry or would like to receive an e-mail copy of my ministry newsletter "Views from Verz" then please contact me at

Justgiving Offline figure correct as at the 31st July 2009

Update - April 17th

Well I've now been in South Africa for 3 months and ministry is going great.

Most of my time is currently spent in meetings envisioning and strategising for the combined churches outreach "The Ultimate Goal".

AIS 2010 Project work takes about 40% of my time currently as we train and equip coaches in sports ministry as well as oversee local community coaching clinic's.  I've also been developing an Ambassadors Coaches Fellowship which will be launched in Soweto in May, to help guide and develop our coaches further as well as bringing them together for combined iniatives and network them to share ideas.

The remainder of my time is spent serving the combined Churches Iniative "The Ultimate Goal" where I serve on the National Steering Committee with a focus on coordinating all the mission teams coming across to serve in 2010 from the various mission agencies and churches across the World.

I continue to thank God for the superb support team behind me and without their prayers and financial support I could not serve God effectively here in South Africa.

I currently have 15 people who give on a monthly basis bringing in just short of £500 per month, add to this people's one off gifts and fundraisers at present my financial needs have just been met. However I still have a big shortfall between guaranteed monthly support and what I need to meet my day to day needs here in South Africa. If you feel you could give on a regular monthly basis to help meet this shortfall or you would like to give a one off gift or organise a fundraiser  that would be fantastic and a real answer to prayer.

If you would like further information on supporting my ministry or would like to receive a copy of my ministry newsletter "Views from Verz" then please contact me at

Original Message

I am looking for people to help me impact for good  the communities of Africa through the universal language of football. In 2010 we have a God given opportunity to bring transformation to many communities in  South Africa before, during and after the FIFA World Cup. Additionally with so many visitors from around the globe coming to share in the World Cup experience what an opportunity to impact thousands more with the Good News of Jesus. 

Ambassadors in Sport - South Africa (AIS-SA) since April 2001 have been committed to bringing hope through football across the needy continent of Africa. As a Christian non-profit and public benefit organisation, AIS-SA have endeavored to partner with organisations across South Africa to impact local communities through the world's most popular team sport.

For the last 5 years I have travelled extensively across the World and Africa with AIS seeking to mobilize Christians and Churches to make a difference for good through football particularly amongst the poor and marginalised. Following on from this experience I have been appointed by AIS to be the 2010 Project Manager for FIFA World Cup in South Africa. So in January 2009 I will move to Pretoria, South Africa to commence the pre-event preparation phase of the job. In total I will be in Africa for the next 2 ½ years.

The goals for 2010 and beyond are:
1/ To establish a base in each of the 9 provinces in order to effectively serve the church across South Africa to maximise the 2010 opportunity.
2/ To train 1000 associate coaches to be equipped to develop church based football outreach for 2010 and beyond.
3/ To host 50 international touring teams during 2010 in order to assist churches across South Africa during the World Cup itself.
4/ To see 500,000 young people across Africa reached with the Gospel through soccer clinics and events held during 2010.


The total I need to raise over the next 18 months (pre-event phase) is £20,000 or just over £1000 per month. This covers my normal living costs, day-to-day ministry expenses, AIS back-office costs and a bit for health insurance. I'm currently working on my support and have a number of friends who have already pledged to support me each month, as well as a few who have made one off donations.

Please consider;
Giving some financial support - because my expenses will tend to be regular, then the best option for me would be monthly support, however whatever you can give will be great. My current total amount raised off-line consists of the monthly pledges made for the next 18 months plus some additional one off donations.
I currently have people who give from £10 - £100 per month, feel free to come on board on or above these levels or join others who have given one off donations.

If you would like information on supporting me on a monthly basis please e-mail me at so I can send you a support form.

Praying for me and the people I'll be working with - I'm well aware that this will be a spiritual battlefield and I daren't go there unprotected.

Being an encouragement - it will be a lot different from living in Bolton and I know that contact with friends and family will be important. Therefore I appreciate any ways you can express your encouragement whether it's the odd call (skype is best), e-mail or message on facebook!

My new contact information:
skype address: markversey1972

Get Involved whether it's though one of our short term mission trips or an internship or staff position.

If you are interested in the different ways you can get involved please do not hesitate to contact me.

Once again thanks for visiting my fundraising page, I do hope you will feel you can partner with me in this exciting project. Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It's also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Ambassadors in Sport gets your money faster and, if you're a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.

So please would you consider supporting  me now? .... Thank you!


About the charity

Ambassadors Football has existed since 1990 to share Jesus through football. Ambassadors love to see local churches serving their local communities through running simple football projects, building relationships and sharing their faith. Thank you for partnering with us!

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £201.67 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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