Matthew Rowton

Matthew's page

Fundraising for Meningitis UK
by 16 supporters
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Matthew Rowton's fundraising, 13 April 2010
Meningitis UK

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1076774


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                                              LE - JOG CYCLE CHALLENGE 11th - 19th JUNE 2010

I am doing the ride for myself and hoping to help Meningitis UK succeed in finding a vaccine; some of you may already know that my brother and I both suffered meningitis in the early 1970's. Please dig deep and help me in my challenge. I can't wait to get started just hoping for fair weather.

I will be posting photos of the trip after the event so please revisit late June


Hi, I will be updating Matt's Page for him, for those who are following his adventure..... if don't know who I am, my name is Sharon and I'm a cycling widow and one day I might get my husband back instead of sharing him with his bikes.......


Friday....Matt set off around 8.30am, after a quick dip in the sea, apparently a tradition....  leaving Lands End, heading through Redruth, lunch in Truro, continuing through  Dartmoor.....he expected this to be hard going and from what he has briefly said, it was.....rather him than me, not 100 % sure how this went, dodgy mobile connections...sorry folks...(don't know why I'm apologising, not sure if anyone is reading this, talking to myself again..)


Saturday.....Continued through Dartmoor, visited Exeter....headed N.E through the plains of Somerset, up through the Cheddar Gorge (not as hard as Dartmoor) carried on staying the night at Bristol, 114 miles covered. Just missed the England Goal!! The weather has been good but there was a head wind, have told Matt to lay of the beans......


Sunday.....Bristol, the youth hostel was "full of young folk" his words not mine..  Lunch in Coleford then onto Stokeprior had something to eat in an excellent pub called The Lamd Inn, proper chips and then onto Shrewsbury via Wehlock Edge ( I apologise for any spelling mistakes, especially if you live in these places, I am only human and I'm not bery good at geography!)  Matt didn't arrive at the hostel in Shrewsbury until 22.10 and by all accounts was like a drowned rat.....too late for food at hostel so a pizza was ordered and delivered at  the hostel.....nice!


Monday....Matt went through Chester, onto Liverpool and took the ferry across the Mersey (I can hear Cilla singing in the background, as I am typing this..) onto Southport,  Matt hasn't said much about this leg, so must of been either boring or he was too tired to comment, think it was the later...arrived at Preston and can see the Blackpool tower across the estuary, oh and the hills of the Lake District, which he has to tackle tommorrow...rather him than me....





About the charity

Meningitis UK

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1076774
Meningitis UK merged with the Meningitis Trust this year to become Meningitis Now. We exist to save lives and rebuild futures by funding research, raising awareness and providing support. If you would like any further information, please do get in touch using the contact details below.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £57.82 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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