Stuart Baylis

Silent Pete & The Mongoleers

Fundraising for Christina Noble Childrens Foundation Limited
raised of £1,000 target
by 29 supporters
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Participants: Andrew Tofts, Pete Gratton, Stuart Baylis
We give children living in poverty support to break their cycle of poverty


Who? What? Where? When? Why?

These are just some of the questions you may wish to ask of us. Here follows a small selection of answers:


We are team 'Silent Pete and the Mongoleers' - formed by Andrew Tofts, Pete 'Silent' Gratton and Stuart Baylis. The basic deal is, Andrew went to school with Stu. Stu went to uni with Pete. Now we're all going to Mongolia. We seem to get along, but who knows what 6 weeks in a tiny car will do to our already tenuous relationships.


The Mongol rally can best be summarised thus: driving around 10,000 miles from Goodwood, UK to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, in around 6 weeks, to raise as much money as possible for underprivileged children. 

The rules are borderline masochistic, but all in the name of hearty adventure: 

(1) The vehicle must be less than 1.0 ltr - for instance the kind of car that would struggle in Wales (let alone Kazakhstan).  

(2) 'You're own your own' - this means, no assistance. Also known as 'bring your own bail money' and 'bring a spare radiator'

(3) There is no rule three.

It will be tough - we will have to make roadside repairs, bribe angry Russian officials, sleep in tents for over 6 weeks and wash our own clothes - in a river. And when nature calls... well.

Look here for more info:


We've decided to go the long way. Via the Arctic Circle. Subject to change at any point along the way depending on the amount of livestock in the road, number of map-reading errors and other such discombobulation. 

The route: England --> France --> Belgium --> Germany --> Czech Republic --> Germany --> Denmark --> Sweden --> Norway --> Finland --> Russia --> Kazakhstan --> Russia --> MONGOLIA! Country-tastic!


We set forth from Goodwood on July 24th, 2010.


We aim to raise at least £1000 for our chosen charity - the Christina Noble Children's Foundation, an International Partnership of people dedicated to serving underprivileged children with the hope of helping each child maximise their life potential.  Their programme in Mongolia seeks to protect children at risk of economic and sexual exploitation, while ensuring these and other children in need have access to basic care & educational opportunities.  Their programmes include: emergency and long-term medical care, nutritional rehabilitation, educational and vocational training and job placement.  Find out more at


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So please dig deep and donate now.

Thank you.

Andrew, Pete and Stu.

About the charity

The Christina Noble Children's Foundation is dedicated to serving vulnerable children in Vietnam & Mongolia who are in need of emergency and long-term medical care, nutritional rehabilitation, educational opportunities, job placement and protecting those at risk of economic and sexual exploitation.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £220.00 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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