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Friends V Mountain

Team photo

Man v Mountain (or as we are calling it Friends v Mountain) is a 22 mile challenge with an ascent of 5055 feet ......its not for the faint hearted. Starting from sea level at Caernarfon the first 15 miles are a continuous ascent to the summit of Mount Snowdon – the UK’s second highest mountain. From the summit the route descends but then twist and turns through numerous hills………..however its not just a run ….. its also an obstacle course which includes some jumping, swimming, climbing and one or two other surprises…….. The average time to complete the course is just under 6 hours.

Our team of 10 is made up from the people listed below. All of whom are training hard and besides the personal goal of complete this mammoth event are raising money for The Friends of the Wisdom hospice. We travel to North Wales on Friday 2nd September 2016 ………with the event being on Saturday 3rd September 2016. Returning on Sunday 4th September 2016.

We would very much appreciate your support, donations to any of the crazy people below are gratefully received…..but also by way of message and sharing our story.

Thanks for visiting our team fundraising page.


Mick Foy  (54)

Mick is always looking to take on new challenges although this one wasn’t his ‘bucket list’ ! However there was a certain appeal and he loves the camaraderie of team events…. So those famous words ‘it seemed a good idea at the time’. When not working as Contract Manager he is out most weekends as the man in the middle being a Senior County Football Referee.

Lance Fermor (56)

Lance loves family life and outdoor activities, including walking, cycling and kayaking. He’s entered Man vs Mountain with his son Ben as a way of spending some time together and as part of a team tackling a difficult physical challenge. His day job is a Logistics Shift Manager at Kemsley Paper Mill. Although Lance keeps active he’s not done any serious running for 20 years so thought it was time to dust off the shoes and get some miles in the legs.

Lee Tomlison (48)

Lee’s partner works as part of the Friends of the Wisdom Hospice fundraising team based at the hospice and therefore Lee is often seen lending a helping hand at fundraising events. This time though wants to raise money first hand, whilst getting fitter and having some ‘fun’. Previously a keen sportsman playing football, rugby and judo winning county and national awards. Coming from a very active and fit past he’s a little nervous and excited about rekindling that part of him as he’s not done this level of exercise for many years !

Andy Gray (52)

Andy has been known before to take up a challenge but this will be the first big event he’s done with his son Scott. Normally he’s doing the organizing but on this occasion he’s handed the batten to Scott whose been doing most of the leg work together with Martyn. Having a close tie with the Friend’s fundraising team and the hospice he knows only too well of the difference they make – not only for their end of life care but also for the support to families and friends. His day job as an Ops Manager keeps him busy but he loves all sports and especially a challenge!

Mariam Simmons (50)

One of two ladies on the team but don’t be deceived! She’s taken on the challenge and although regularly competes in Triathlons this is by far the toughest event she has undertaken. Not that she’s just doing it for the challenge, a friend hers became seriously ill and was cared for by the Wisdom Hospice – in her words “They were so kind and thoughtful and made his last days as peaceful and comfortable as they possibly could. Everyone who visited him shared my sentiments and could only offer compliments to the staff”. So Miriam decided she wanted to do something in recognition of their fantastic work.

Damian Connor (35)

Always up for a challenge, Damian liked the sound of Man V Mountain particularly as it seemed ‘a little different’. Although not local to Medway and the Wisdom Hospice he knows it’s close to a friend’s heart and so decided it’s a worthy cause. By trade he’s a carpenter, a father of 2 and has completed many obstacle courses …….but never one that involves a mountain !

Martyn Reeves (52)

As Chief Executive of the Friends of Wisdom Hospice Martyn is effectively fundraising every day ! He does this with a passion,  however, he  felt it was about time that he “ took Andy up on one of his crazy challenges”. Spending much of his time behind a desk a 22 mile Marathon over a Mountain seemed like a good idea – at the time.

Kirsty Pemble (34)

Kirsty never thought she would be able to even consider taking on a challenge like this. She has always suffered with back problems but made the decision a few years ago to make her back as strong as possible. She has since taken on a few challenges including Tough Mudder but this will be the most difficult thing she has ever done. Kirsty recently got married to Ben and their best man gently persuaded her to take on this challenge! Wonder who that was !

Ben Fermor (29)

Tempted by the challenge Ben’s mind was made up when he heard his father had signed up ! Normally Ben prefers to be in water Kayaking but thought this would a ‘bit different’. Father of two youngster who keep him running around he’s had to build in training whilst at home and working away. He’s worked out that the climb is equivalent to climbing your stairs about 600 times and running 35km ……. So its not your average ‘fun run’ !

Scott Gray (28)

The main protagonist in sowing the seed for the event. Some would say he’s taking a leaf out of his old mans book ! Over the last year or so Scott has steadily increased his participation in Obstacle Course Races so this seemed a good progression. Last year he qualified as a Personal Trainer and has been helping the team ‘get fit’. With Martyns help he has organised the event on behalf of the team


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Raised: 113%

Team target: £5,000.00

Raised so far: £5,656.72

Team members

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Member photo Name Fundraising progress Raised so far
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Kirsty Pemble

Kirsty's Man V Mountain page

31 donations



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Lee Tomkinson

Lee's Man v Mountain - Snowdon 2016 page

34 donations



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Mick Foy

Mick's Man v Mountain - Snowdon

28 donations



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Lance Fermor

Lance's Man vs Mountain page

6 donations



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Martyn Reeves

Martyn's Friends v Mountain

19 donations



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Miriam Simmons

Miriam's Man vs Mountain page

25 donations



Fundraiser icon

Andy Gray

Andy's Fundraising Page 2016

24 donations



Fundraiser icon

Ben Fermor

ben's Rat race- man vs mountain page

16 donations



Fundraiser icon

Damian Connor

Damian's Man Vs Mountain page

7 donations



Fundraiser icon

Scott Gray

Scott's Fundraising Page

5 donations



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