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Games Aid is a UK based games industry charity, acts as an umbrella charity for charities supporting children and young people. Games Aid's mission is to use the skills and passion of the gaming industry to raise funds for these causes. Games Aid is a non-profit organisation run by trustees.
Games Aid Registered charity number 1081706
"In memory of my daughter and her partner who found each other through gaming - I hope this helps others to find the same happiness which they found in each other."
Caroline donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"Happy to be supporting a good cause."
Glowing Eye Games donated
£1,000.00 + £250.00 Gift Aid
"Good luck Space Ape and everyone involved!"
Jingkei Ly donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
"Good luck Space Ape! "
Daniel Lewis donated
"Good Luck Space Ape!"
Dennis Waldron donated
"In honour of my cousin Adam, I hope this helps someone else fall in love with Fantasy and Tabletop the same way we did! I miss you mate. xxx"
Emily & Helen donated
£50.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Mark Ward has raised $8,139.94 so far
Mark's GamesAid Charity Poker Tournament 2015
David Miller has raised $3,631.84 so far
David's page
DreamsHaveMeanings Mansell has raised $620.71 so far
I'm Streaming Dreams (PS4) on Twitch for DreamsHaveMeanings Mansell because
Sophie Foulds has raised $526.56 so far
Sophie’s page
Gary Thake has raised $408.86 so far
I'm I am raising money for Gary Thake because I believe Children should be able to enjoy gaming.
UK Interactive Entertainment Ukie has raised $334.52 so far
The Ukie Big Christmas Quiz (ONLINE EVENT)