Jo Shailes

Jo's Three Peaks Challenge

Fundraising for Children's Hospice South West
raised of £500 target
by 16 supporters
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Jo Shailes's fundraising, 7 April 2010
Children's Hospice South West

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1003314
We provide respite and end of life care to make the most of short & precious lives


Thank you all so much in sponsoring me on the 3 peaks challenge. I am now at home resting up. Here is a summary of the last few days:
On Thursday at 8am we left the office to start our journey up to Ben Nevis. We were split into two mini buses and each bus had 7 walkers and 3 drivers, so as you can imagine it was a bit cramped with all of the baggage, food and water! We all tried to get as much sleep as we could driving up, but the scenery became so pretty, especially once we entered Scotland that not many of slept. On Thursday evening we checked our selves in to the hostel at the foot of Ben Nevis and for a few of us took a look at what would be our first mountain climb. We then quickly retreated to the local pub for some food and then went straight to bed to get as much sleep as possible.
Friday morning we woke up to bacon and egg rolls that the drivers had got up earlier to make for us to set us up for the first mountain. We all started in high spirits and this continued as we went higher and the low cloud lifted to give us some spectacular Scottish views of mountains, it was truly breath taking. As we neared the top we soon understood all the preparations we had to make for all types of weather, the cloud came down and the temperature dropped. We came across snow which we had to climb up and when we reached the top it was windy and cold, so out came the layers. Unfortunately while were at the top the cloud did not lift, but as soon as we had gone down past the snow the cloud lifted and we walked down in sunshine looking at amazing views.
We completed the climb in around 5 hours so we were ahead of schedule. Unfortunately for me on the descent my left knee started to really hurt, this meant that my team slowed down and the second team (second mini bus) caught up with us and we all got to the bottom of the mountain as a group of 14 walkers who then all climbed into our mini bus and set off for the English Mountain Scarfell.
We arrived at Scarfell in the late afternoon, all a bit tired but raring to go. As soon as we started I knew that my knee was not right and that the rest had not helped in the mini bus. We were so lucky with out views all the way up to the top there were clear views not a cloud in sight. As we got higher my knee got worse but I was sure it was just going to "click" back into place as i had never had any knee problems before. This was not going to be the case. Scarfell is know for its ruggidness and it held up to its name, there were bolder fields and areas where there was not a distictive path, it was all so deserted it was wonderful. The decent for my team was a slow one due to my knee and once again the other team caught up with us on the downhill slope. But every one was so supportive and helped me slowly down to the bottom. This though did cause the team time and we got down in 4.5 hours.
The trip from Scarfell to Snowdon was a quiet one with everyone asleep in the bus as we travelled through the night. We arrived at Snowdon and set off at 5.20am, the sun was rising and it had the promise of a wonderful morning. Due to my knee I knew I would not be able to make it to the top or probably not even half way up, one of the drivers came with us and as soon as we start the incline it became very apparent that I would not be able to make and so with great sadness I turned back with the help from one of the drivers I staggered back on to the mini bus. The rest of the team stormed ahead and they completely Snowdon, both teams had once again joined together to come in as one. It is such an achievement and they worked so hard. The total time including all of the driving (in mini buses that only do 55mph!!) was a very respectful 28 hours.
This was an amazing challenge for me and I loved every part of it, even when my knee was not happy with me!  
Once again thank you all so much in sponsoring me. I will endeavour to take on Snowdon later on in the year. Just so that I have completed the three

About the charity

Children's Hospice South West

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1003314
At CHSW we help and support children and their families who are living with life-limiting conditions. We provide a loving and caring place for the whole family. A place where everyone can find expert care and support in facing an uncertain future.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £81.79 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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