Radu-Alexandru Polschi

Radu's Sunflower of Peace 48-hour live challenge for Ukraine

Fundraising for Sunflower Of Peace
raised of £1,000 target
by 44 supporters
Sunflower Of Peace
RCN 472620675


Hello everyone! After a few days of mild panic and frustration because I could not play a role in the conflict in Ukraine, because it was not under my control, I realised I was wrong. Following a eureka moment I realised I can have an impact, I can play a role, especially because of my position as a UCL student with a large network of brilliant people. I decided to organise a fundraiser for a charity in Ukraine. If you too felt like there is nothing you can do, read on and let’s change that together!

It is a long message so feel free to scroll to the sections you are interested in (headings in CAPS).

THE CHARITY: Sunflower of Peace

It provides medical aid in the form of backpacks with medical equipment that can save up to 10 lives, which are then sent in Ukraine to help those wounded on the front lines. More details bellow!


This platform (JustGiving) OR

Instagram – no minimum donation, 100% of the donation goes to the charity, no transaction fee, currency set to GBP:    

I recommend Instagram for those donating smaller sums, and JustGiving for those donating more than £2.00, but it is down to whichever you prefer.


Donating to the charity and a 48 hours live challenge on campus – no sleep, no food

START: 10:00 AM Thursday 03/03/2022

END: 10:00 AM this Saturday 05/03/2022

LOCATION: University College London campus, Student Centre


  • no food
  • no sleep or napping 
  • only allowed to drink clear fluids
  • no coffee or cola
  • I will only stay on main campus
  • I will be streaming/ be live on Instagram during the whole duration of the challenge: @its_radup


Donate! Please help with whatever you can and whatever you see fit.

Share this post! This is so so so helpful in terms of making others aware of this issue and encouraging others to donate. Share it in your story, make a post about it, share it on your WhatsApp chats (just text me on Instagram if you want the WhatsApp message to share it), and any media you have access to!

Join on the live! This way you can support me and increase the traction of the campaign!

Join me in the challenge! If you want to do something more, then you can start this 48-hour challenge as well! I can help you set up your own campaign as well should you want to. Please be aware that this challenge could pose a risk to your health and careful consideration should be made before undertaking it.


The situation in Ukraine is something I feel very strongly about. Having friends from both countries involved in this war, I see that both sides, as well as the world suffers. I have friends from Ukraine whose families are trapped in Kyiv, unable to escape the war machine. Friends whose families have been injured in the war, and perhaps soon I will have friends who have lost family in this war.

I have many Russian friends who are suffering from the war too. They are unable to receive financial support from their parents due to Western sanctions, unable to go home. Some of them are being harassed for a war they did not ask for and do not believe in; a war they want to end. Let us not forget that thousands across Russia are protesting and fighting in this war too, being beaten by police and
getting arrested for it. They too are fighting against this unjust war and giving their lives to the cause.

Not only does it hit close to home (literally), but also, I look at those people and see myself and my country. Yes we speak different languages, and there are slight cultural differences, but we are the same. Same looks. The buildings in Ukraine look like home. Similar histories of suffering under a communist regime. Very similar culture and ideology. If I didn’t know any better, those videos of war might as well be from Romania.

These people cannot go to shops to get food and are starving. They cannot go to sleep due to constant bombardment. They cannot leave their homes. They are constantly filmed for media purposes. I am no better than any of them. If you want to watch me, chat, join me in supporting in Ukraine I will be live on Instagram @its_radup


I wanted a smaller charity, lead by Ukrainians, where our donations could have a bigger impact. With enough bloodshed being caused already, and as a future medic, I also wanted a charity that provides medical care, whilst still supporting those on the front lines. Sunflower of Peace fits the description perfectly. They were founded following the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 and have been working since then to help protect their country against the onslaught. 

They assemble the backpacks with medical supplies such as first aid kits, emergency trauma surgery kits, blood coagulants and bandages. This happens in America. From there, the backpacks are sent to Ukraine via Poland. This charity is endorsed by:

  • https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/mar/01/help-ukraine-uk-donate-red-cross
  • https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/03/02/help-ukraine-support-donate-charities--appeal-refugees-war/

More details and info can be found here on their Facebook page and website:

  • https://www.facebook.com/sunflowerofpeace/
  • https://www.sunflowerofpeace.com/?fbclid=lwAR2Dw0qEayvPJ-uWR9wB8Wk9ILUUppr3Ft89Pq6V-1xIq6t9VptWQj8xm9EXXX

If you have another charity that supports Ukraine, one that you like more, then donate to that one instead, or even better, both.

I will be providing constant updates on my Instagram story, as well as an overall result post next week for the whole challenge. 

Hope to see you there in person or @its_radup! 

Donation summary

Total raised
Online donations
Offline donations

* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.

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