Yusuf Kassam


Fundraising for Ethar Relief
raised of £5,000 target
by 113 supporters
Ethar Relief

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1169308
We Raise funds for refugees to alleviate their suffering


18 hours fast. It's hard right? Atleast you're guaranteed food for every Iftar. What if one day you weren’t ? Scrap that. Let's say you didn't know if you'd ever get to open this fast because of lack of food? Or know when your next meal might be?Scary right...

Who am I? I am Yusuf and I've worked with a few charities over the years. I've travelled to Tanzania a few times, handing out aid, first hand from the money that you donated. So yes, I've witnessed the poorest of poor Communities (which would bring a TEAR to your eye on site) and witnessed true charity work abroad.  

This Ramadhan I plan to help the deprived people of Sudan with Ethar Relief and to help provide food for those who are less fortunate, together with your hand. Project #IAMHUNGER  #TEAMBEALPHA

It’s as simple as this: Thousands of refugees are ONE missed meal away from DYING.  They have no reserves or money to get food.

Let me remind you: Refugees fast in Ramadan too ​– they just don’t know if they’ll get to open their fast in the evening.

Covid19 is killing thousands a day but MALNUTRITION has killed 2MILLION+ just this year so far.

The number of people in need of aid across Yemen and the Horn of Africa has now reached millions. Families are dying EVERY DAY in Yemen, Sudan and Djibouti.

Simplest reason : LACK OF FOOD

I hope you are wondering, how can I help MY brother and sister across the world to get fed?


For ONLY £40 you can help feed a Family of 5, for a whole month. Yes ONLY £40!

That would mean EVERY DAY for the entire month, a family in need due to YOUR help, and open heart,
shall have no more worry of having Iftar and Suhoor throughout Ramadan.

Thats just £40 in which we often take for granted, every day , every week & every month in our lives.

So why not take this life raft? Yes life raft. 

By you donating you are going to be helping yourself too: "Charity extinguishes sin, just as water extinguishes fire.” Allah the Exalted, says, ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’”

Save Humanity. Save Lives.

The packs contain everything needed to keep the average family nutritionally healthy: 25kg Flour, 10kg Sugar, 6kg Lentils, 2kg Dates, 800g Concentrated Fruit Powder, 5kg Soup (mixed beans),  2Ltr Cooking Oil

The cries and hunger are a pain of its own,

But you've been given the tools to make it all go...

So, what are YOU waiting for?


About the charity

Ethar Relief

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1169308
Ethar Relief is a humanitarian non-profit organisation established to alleviate the suffering of refugees in the Horn of Africa and Yemen, in particular but not exclusively Eritrean refugees; regardless of ethnicity, gender or religious background

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £825.47 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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