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Friends of Breathe Arts Health Research supports arts-based interventions in the health sector, primarily by supporting the work of Breathe Arts Health Research.
Friends of Breathe Arts Health Research Registered charity number 1176678
"Those we love do not go away; they walk beside us every day. No words can ease your pain, but we are thinking of you, Mike and Tony, during this difficult time. RIP Rosemary. With love Ania and Matt"
Ania and Matt donated
"To Pete Murr and everyone playing, Great challenge and brilliant cause, good luck"
Kev Brown and family donated
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
"Breathe Arts was so special to Louise and family.I know Alfie loved the support too. In memory of a special friend who simply made me smile and giggle whenever we met !! Will always be in my thought💜"
Carolyn donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
"Louise was such a wonderful person and taken far too soon. Fond memories of lunches at Hilltop, Fizz Fridays, Bookclub and chatting on the school run! Thoughts are with Paul, Barney and Alfie xxx"
Louise Riedl donated
"In fondest memory of a dear and much loved sister-in-law and auntie. Dave, Alison, Sophie, Sam and Hannah xxxxx"
Dave Green donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"In memory of our dear friend Andy RIP"
Gel and Jeanie donated
£30.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Roger, Jamie, Tom, David has raised $13,919.19 so far
100 Hole Golf Challenge
Adrian Goldsmith has raised $7,952.37 so far
I'm We are raising money by playing 100 holes of golf for Adrian Goldsmith because they provide support to children with Hemiplegia
Chris Dyson, Martin Vanstone, Peter Murr and Peter Baxter has raised $5,308.52 so far
I'm Our team of Martin V, Peter M, Peter B & Chris D for Chris Dyson, Martin Vanstone, Peter Murr and Peter Baxter because Great to support these good charities and WSGC
Mick, Ben, Matt, Greg has raised $2,680.71 so far
100 hole golf challenge West Sussex golf club
Christopher Howell has raised $2,313.19 so far
I'm I am performing ten magic shows on Zoom! for Christopher Howell because I've seen how it changes young people's lives.
Gordon, Zai, Ed, James has raised $1,965.38 so far
Gordon, Zai, Ed and James's 100 Hole Challenge