AQUABOX, is helping one of the areas of Pakistan most affected by the recent flooding to help reduce disease from contaminated water. The first consignment of 24 Aqua 12's and 20 Community filters will meet the water needs of 13,000 people.
Since the news broke of the devastating floods in Pakistan, Aquabox has been working with its partner charity FireAid, and its Asian associate the Asian Fire Service Association (AFSA), to agree the most effective response. AFSA have confirmed that there is a critical need for safe water to keep families alive and prevent the spread of waterborne diseases.
A major challenge is that airports, ports, roads and bridges have been disabled or destroyed, but AFSA are working with teams on the ground to develop a secure supply and distribution route into the worst affected regions.
Aquabox will be sending its first consignment of water filters to Pakistan in the next few days. Our initial consignment will comprise 24 Aqua 12s (296 family filters) and 20 community filters, which will have the capability to meet the water needs for 13,000 people.
We want to send further shipments, but we need your help. Each family water filter is assembled by our volunteers so only costs £35 and can provide clean water at a rate of 1 litre / minute, sufficient to support a family of 7/8. The Community filter however can provide clean water at a rate of 6 litres/ minute and can support over 500 people in a village school or community centre, but these cost £450 each.
As you can see, the first shipment, providing clean water for 13,000 people will cost us nearly £20,000, so please feel free to donate, either through Just Giving or via our website:, so we can provide further clean water to these desperate people.