(Hope for the poor)
BHF is a private organisation established in 2011 by few dedicated people to help the poor and is run purely on donations.
Its primary aim is to provide free medical treatment to the poor. Some of these treatments include hepatitis, diabetes, ECG, ultrasound and day to day medical needs for the children, elderly and general public as shown in the attached photos.
BHF regularly sets up free health care camps in impoverished areas of Pakistan such as Nankana, Nishatabad, Masoorabad and many more. In these medical camps patients have received free check up, treatment, lab tests, ultrasound and medicine.
The facilities, and in particular specialist equipment is needed to further provide much needed help to the poor and vulnerable.

In addition to medical treatment BHF also provides food parcels to the most vulnerable. In some cases this is their only means of survival (see photo below of the volunteer staff providing food to an elderly).

And other essential items, clothes and food to children.

Education is a big issue in Pakistan. BHF continues to pay for fees and educational accessories for up to 300 children.
In the future we want to expand health care, continue to deliver food and basic essentials to more poor families and provide essential education to the children, and adults to at least a primary level.
We are currently renting the building, but our aim is to buy our own building through your generous donations, a small hospital with specialist Hepatitis treatment is desired together with other medical needs.
We accept Zakah, Sadaqah and Fitrana.The Fitrana for 2021 is £5. Food packages are £25 per package.
For further information see
Bright Hope Foundation is committed to 100% donation policy.
Please set up regular standing order, every little help.
Jazakallah khair for your support.
Charity Registration number:1162012
Barclays Account name: Sacred Giving
Barclays account number:43556107
Bank sort code:202608