Diversity Role Models are raising £50,000 so that 50 schools across the UK can receive expert support and workshop sessions to help put an end to LGBTQ+ bullying. Our aim is to support young people, and educators to better understand the LGBTQ+ experience, through the medium of role model storytelling.
Why we've launched this fundraiser...
With multiple organisations, national and international agencies reporting a rise in homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and LGBTQ+ hate crimes in the UK, it is now more important than ever to counter this increase through LGBTQ+ education and the promotion of understanding and empathy.
We are aware that schools are under a large amount of financial stress, and that some schools may not have the budget available to engage with our LGBTQ+ anti-bullying workshops. These are often the schools in challenging areas who would benefit the most from the workshops Diversity Role Models provide. It is for this reason that we have launched our "50 for 50" fundraiser - with the aim of raising £50k so that 50 schools who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford it, can receive our invaluable anti-bullying workshops for FREE!
Why Diversity Role Models are so important...
Meeting LGBTQ+ people face-to-face is crucial for combatting LGBTQ+ bullying and building empathy and inclusion. It lets young people see that LGBTQ+ people are really no different to them, by humanising them and listening to their stories. Importantly, it also lets young people who are gay, lesbian, bi or trans (or are questioning their sexuality and/or gender identity, or who come out as LGBTQ+ in the future) to know that there are other people out there like them, and that they're not alone. It offers a vision of a future where they can be happy, included, and part of society.

How our workshops work...
Our workshops are designed for educators and young people across all age ranges and are run by our expert facilitators - many of whom come from an education background. They are accompanied by one of our trained and vetted volunteers, who come from across the LGBTQ+ and ally community and represent a diversity of experiences. Our Diversity Role Models sharing their lived experiences is at the heart of every workshop session, and provides workshop attendees with invaluable insight, understanding and compassion for LGBTQ+ individuals and families who may be different to themselves.
You can find out more about the work we do at Diversity Role Models, sign up to be a volunteer, or request a workshop session on our website here .
Please donate today to help us put an end to LGBTQ+ bullying
Every additional £1,000 raised above our target will help us reach another schools needing our work.