"Thank you so much for selecting Corvallis to be a part of the Adopt a School Campaign! We have students from so many types of home lives. Students come to me to share their situations or when I see they are having a tough day, I always check in with them. I connect them to the counselors immediately if needed. For so many of our students, music is what encourages them to come to school. Many are unable to practice at home because they live in a small space, live in a house with multiple families or parents work multiple jobs so it has to be quiet when they get home from school. We have students who always stay in at snack to practice and stay after school when I'm able to. Our students are amazing." - Mrs. Johnson, Band and Orchestra Director
The band and orchestra program is filled with eager students, but many of their instruments are aged beyond repair. Mrs. Johnson shared with us, "We have some low brass that is 60 plus years old and are bent and dinged up terribly. Our tenor saxophones are prone to leaking because of the quality. We have some altos that are from the 60's. String instruments have pegs that won't stay without my help, fine tuners that are broken off or won't turn.” Alto and tenor saxophones, french horns, clarinets, trombones, euphoniums, and celli are needed to replace these older instruments.

The impact this program has had on the students both musically and personally has been substantial. As an example, Mrs. Johnson shared the story of "J," a student who started saxophone in 6th grade after returning from distance learning. Despite facing challenges, including the loss of his mother, J’s dedication to music grew. By 7th grade, he earned a spot in District Honor Band and took on new instruments, excelling in everything he tried. "His saxophone is what kept him going, gave him something to work hard at. He poured his heart and soul into it. It gave him purpose and a sense of belonging. J has always had a special place in my heart. He told me he considers me like a mom to him."

With generous and transformative support from Eddie Van Halen over the years and now continuing through his son Wolfgang, The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation is pleased to announce that the Van Halen Family has committed to kickstarting the Adopt A School campaign with a generous $1,000 donation towards each of the first 100 participating schools.
Schools participating in the Adopt A School campaign are qualified through MHOF’s vetting and eligibility process, giving donors confidence that their investment is protected and sustainable, impacting students for a minimum of 10 years (the lifespan of an instrument in a school setting.) Donations made to this school’s fundraising campaign go directly to The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation (MHOF). MHOF then purchases the specific instruments the school is in need of at a substantially discounted price and the instruments deliver directly to the school.
Donate today and help these students foster their love of music, every dollar counts!

To spread the word on social media or link to this page in your own fundraising efforts, use the links below! And to learn more about The Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation's Adopt A School campaign, visit or contact MHOF at or 818-762-4328.
[5% of donations are retained for JustGiving’s required service fee, MHOF retains an additional 10% to cover administrative costs associated with school vetting and granting of instruments.]