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Our campaign is now complete. 1746 supporters helped us raise £30,512.00

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Closed 14/07/2023
Brain Tumour Research

Brain Tumour Research Firewalks 2023

I am doing a firewalk for Brain Tumour Research to help find a cure because one in three people know someone affected by this devastating disease.
by 1746 supporters
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Closed on 14/07/2023
RCN England and Wales 1153487, Scotland SC046840

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The campaign has now expired but it's not too late to support this charity.

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Join our #FightingForce team and conquer your fear as you walk barefoot over red-hot wood embers reaching temperatures of around 800 degrees.

This unforgettable challenge is great for individuals, but why not encourage your family and friends to get involved too and cheer each other on across the hot embers? This is also a great challenge for team-building or corporate fundraising events too.

About the charity

Brain Tumour Research

Verified by JustGiving

RCN England and Wales 1153487, Scotland SC046840
Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer. Just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this disease. We are a leading voice calling for support and action for research into what is called the last battleground against cancer.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £5,526.00 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations
Direct donations
Donations via fundraisers

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