Your response in previous years to our appeals to support Buckinghamshire's vulnerable children and families at Christmas has been truly overwhelming. Your generosity made sure that thousands of children enjoyed the festive period with a bit extra than they could otherwise afford. Whether it's a present for a child, help for a struggling family or something to help a young person leaving care to live independently, your valuable support made a crucial difference. This year, we are looking for your help again.
With 2022 continuing to be very difficult with the after-effects of Covid, the frightening rises in the costs of energy and food, Christmas for our most vulnerable families in Buckinghamshire will be very challenging. Factor in money problems, unemployment, instances of domestic violence and mental health issues and you can understand the huge pressures facing many of our families across the county. For some, the stark reality is simply fighting to keep a roof over their heads with no extra money to buy presents for their children.
That's why our Christmas children's gift appeal, and your support, might be the only way our local children and families can get a little extra cheer this Christmas and enjoy what most of us take for granted over the festive period.
Inspire Bucks is a small but well established Buckinghamshire charity and we will be working with Buckinghamshire Council and other organisations to provide that bit of extra support for families. Our mission with our Christmas gift appeal is to help make Christmas 2022 one to remember for our most vulnerable, rather than one to forget.
How you can help
Our fundraising appeal will help raise money to buy presents and giftcards for Buckinghamshire children whose families are facing difficulties or for families that have broken down, as well as young people leaving the Councils care. We hope this will bring a bit of brightness to what continues to be a really tough and difficult time for many families in Buckinghamshire.
The money raised will support children and young people in Buckinghamshire who really need our help. So please, give as much as you can to make someone elses Christmas a little happier this year.
Thank you so much for your support at this important time of the year.
The Inspire Bucks charity team