Coronavirus has had untold implications on carers who have found themselves at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Carer Support Wiltshire has worked tirelessly and creatively to ensure carers get the direct support they needed throughout the pandemic. As we slowly return to normality we want to ensure unpaid carers don't get left behind and they remain fully supported and don't hit breaking point.
Colin looks after both his elderly parents and has done for the past 15 years. Throughout the pandemic he has used our Talk & Support befriending service that puts you in touch with a volunteers, for a friendly chat either on the phone or via a virtual meeting.
Colin says: 'Mentally I had not been in a good space for the last few months and Talk & Support has been a godsend. It's so lovely to be able to speak freely with someone and someone my age.'
The Caring Beyond Covid Appeal aims to raise £30,000 so we can continue to offer practical, specific and bespoke support to carers across Wiltshire in the aftermath of the pandemic and re-establish the support networks they so desperately need.