Rosie goes red, Violet goes blue is an immensely popular book for young children produced by the Children's Heart Federation. It was written by the mother of a child with a heart condition who was inspired to write the book when she saw that he drew himself with blue fingers and toes before his operation, but coloured them pink afterwards.
CHF would like to be able to explain heart conditions in slightly greater depth to children of junior school age. Written by Fran and Mike Davies with input and insight from their son Dominic who was born with a serious heart condition, the book will follow the day in the life of two brothers one with a heart condition and one without.
The book will help a child to come to terms with their condition, realise they are not alone and will also help them explain it to their friends and teachers.
The aim would be to provide a book to the classroom of every child with a heart condition.
Please give your support to this campaign and help raise awareness and understanding of congenital heart conditions.