**PLEASE NOTE that donating to this JustGiving page does not mean you have signed up to Doddie Aid. To join Doddie Aid, visit You’ll be asked to donate £20 via the app and will then receive your free snood.
Doddie Aid is a mass participation event that encourages you to get active in January, and runs until Wednesday 5 February - all whilst raising money for My Name’5 Doddie Foundation to help find a cure for motor neuron disease (MND).
Doddie Aid was founded in 2021 by former Scotland captain Rob Wainwright, and since then, 100,000 people have taken part, over 9.5 million miles have been logged and over £5 million has been raised for MND research.
Any exercise counts, and your miles can be logged in our new and improved Doddie Aid app. Your miles will be added to Team England’s total, but only time will tell which nation will be crowned the Doddie Aid Champion of 2025!
Visit our website for more details: