Our Platinum Garden Project is the final step in transforming the heart of our Village centre. It is at its beating heart – a refurbished playground, community-run shop, bowls club, allotments, and community pool. It is where we and our neighbouring communities meet for garden parties, BBQs, bonfire nights, high days, and holidays. The community shop serves refreshments to the hardy pool users and visiting walkers in the car park spaces in front of the shop - uncomfortable and a little unsafe.
The aim is to create a simple, charming area accessible to all, with seating and picnic areas, and flower beds to provide colour and view. It will transform wasteland into something we can all enjoy. A row of mixed native hedging will provide habitat for wildlife.
The design may evolve and simplify as we looks for ways to create something offering more potential for biodiversity but still creating a charming space to meet and sit a while...