WORLDwrite is organizing a Freedom Babbleon to remind the world that freedom and free speech underpin our humanity. We hope you will help us with this event.
The fears surrounding Covid 19 have catalyzed many illiberal trends which now blight our lives by limiting our freedom explicitly. Freedom of assembly has been mothballed from rallies to youth clubs, free speech is treated as expendable rather than foundational and cancel culture is spreading. Not since the McCarthy era has freedom to live our private lives or to express ourselves been so constrained. We are in danger of allowing an anti-democratic and frighteningly authoritarian world to take shape. One in which even our most basic friendships and family get togethers are decided by government diktat and decree. We know too, that while many question the rational of what has been coined Covid authoritarianism, its effectiveness in safeguarding our health and disastrous impact on livelihoods, they fear saying what they think. We hope you will support our initiative to challenge these anti-human developments and re-ignite public debate.
On 19th December WORLDwrite is hosting a sponsored Freedom Babbleon online. 100 participants from across the globe will tell us why freedom is so essential for humanity. From 10 am to 6pm great speakers, comedians, singers, actors, activists and volunteers will share their thoughts, songs and videos on freedom for 4 minutes apiece. We hope you will tune in and hear these liberty lovers hold forth on why freedom and free speech matters. The event will be streamed live and recorded to share across the globe.
Please dig deep and sponsor this event. All proceeds will support WORLDwrites survival in 2021, its Citizen TV making and capacity to keep on making the case for freedom with young people.