Hale Community and Youth Centre is at the heart of the community providing a sustainable, secure and welcoming space that is valued and supported by the people of Upper Hale and North Farnham. We do this by providing a safe space where the whole community are encouraged and supported to thrive.
In June 2023, we celebrated ten years of working with residents of North Farnham by unveiling a mosaic commemorative plaque. The new plaque in the shape of the Centre’s logo was designed by award winning artist and long-term supporter of Hale Community and Youth Centre, Denise Jacques and members of the community.
Since its beginnings in 1998 the Hale Community and Centre has been a crucial component of, and hub for, many activities and improvements which have been developed by the involvement of residents and partners, including establishing a Community Fridge and Cupboard during the pandemic, a facility which is now thriving and fully supported within the community; renovated a disused nursery building behind the Centre for use as a Youth Centre for 10–19-year-olds, now run by the Community Centre; continued enhancing our award winning Community Garden to provide a wonderful refuge for the whole community and arranged and facilitate family activities for all the community.

Our wish now, is to remain at the forefront of providing opportunities for all within Upper Hale and North Farnham!
For further information, please refer to our website here