Henna is from Old Goole, she came into branch with a very enlarged, cloudy black eyeball, which the vets think will have caused her considerable pain. We are unsure if the eye was damaged, had a tumour or even an abscess.
She is estimated at 6-7yrs old, she's been blood tested, health checked under sedation, chipped, had a dental, X-rays and an eye enucleation. Her eye has been removed and the eye socket and lids sewn together.
Henna is understandably a very frightened girl but we'll give her plenty of time and TLC to recover. This also means a space is taken up long term which impacts our ability to take more cats. As you can imagine, it's a costly procedure but trustees and her fosterer wanted to give this girl a chance.
Could you help us pay for Henna’s eye surgery please?