Growing up in Nigeria, Margaret Eniola saw the ravages of leprosy first hand. As a girl, she passed by leprosy sufferers on her way to school, as they stood along the side of the highway, begging for money and help. As a lone girl staring into the face of the entrenched indifference of an ineffective system, there was little she could do.
She tried anyway: sharing her pocket money and making a weekly Saturday afternoon visit to take snacks and treats to sufferers in a local home for the disabled.
Even as she grew up, left Nigeria for the UK, and launched herself into a successful career as a social worker, the leprosy sufferers of her childhood were never far from her mind.
Which is why, in 2012, she decided to quit her job and found Leprosy Outreach, a very small charity with a grand ambition: to eliminate leprosy in Nigeria. please donate to this worthy cause