GWR 2-8-0 2857 was built by the Great Western Railway Company in 1918. Since her launch she has travelled well over 1.2 million mile across Britain, both in active service with the GWR/British Railways, and as a preserved steam locomotive.
In January 2023, the loco was withdrawn from traffic pending her 10-Yearly Overhaul. To complete this overhaul, The 2857 Society now need to raise £150,000 to ensure that it can be done.
The Trustee's would like to return the locomotive to traffic no later than 2030. Targeting a 2030 steaming date would give us the opportunity of returning the locomotive to traffic and having it ‘run-in’, to allow us to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the formation of the ‘28xx Society’, the original name of the current Society. This anniversary takes place in 2031, and likewise, we would also be able to celebrate both the 70th anniversary of its withdrawal from British Railways, and the 60th Anniversary of the purchasing of the locomotive, in 2033 and 2034 respectively.
The key anniversary for us is 2035, the year of Great Western 200. This is an anniversary we feel it almost vital for our loco, and Society, be able to celebrate. During the same year we would also like to be able to celebrate 50 years since our locomotive had the opportunity to work the last steam hauled unfitted goods train on the national network. With a little bit of careful co-ordination with our friends in the Bewdley Wagon Group, we hope to be able to see 2857 haul a lengthy goods train on the SVR, similarly to that which it hauled to Newport in 1985.
Towards the latter end of the locomotives ticket, we would also be able to celebrate its 120th Birthday in 2038.
There’s plenty to be said for getting 2857 back in steam in time for several parties we just don’t want to miss!