Imagine Christmas day without being able to see the twinkling lights, or not knowing what snow or Santa look like. Our audio and tactile books bring Christmas to life for blind and partially sighted children. By taking part in the Big Christmas Read you will help bring Christmas to life for more blind children.
Just choose your challenge, choose your books, ask your friends to sponsor you if you can, and start reading. The challenge is open to everyone of all ages, and you don't have to be a member of our library to join in.
At Living Paintings we create Touch to See books that are used by thousands of blind and partially sighted children, young people and adults to bring the visual world to life. They are sent out from our completely free postal library.
Jacob has started his reading challenge to support Living Paintings

Jacob's mum told us;
Jacob is severely visually impaired. He has an artificial eye and very limited vision in his remaining eye. Reading and writing is a huge challenge for him and he is still learning Braille which will enable him to read and write independently. Living paintings have sent Jacob some wonderful books in Braille and audio format. Jacob always wants to know what the characters/creatures in these books look like so it has been so lovely for him. He's particularly liked seeing the Dinosaur from The Dinosaur that pooped a Planet.
Jacob has said he will read two books a week to help raise money for this wonderful charity. And two books a week for Jacob is ALOT. If you know him, reading is probably his least favourite thing to do.
Seven year old Jai-Ryan joins the Big Christmas Read

Seven year old library member Jai-Ryan was one of the first to join the Big Christmas Read to help more children like him. Jai joined our library when he was two, and our Touch to See books have been firing his imagination ever since. He truly believes he will be the first blind child on the moon!
Our books are already bringing Christmas to life for Jai this year. He received a copy of our new Touch to See adaptation of the Snowman and this is what his mum told us;
Thank you so much for bringing this story to life, especially for a little boy that is really starting to fully understand Christmas and the magic of it! Jai laughed so hard, really belly laugh, through some pages in this book (Ive never heard him laugh that way before) he fell asleep wishing for snow, so maybe he could have a friend like the snowman. Jai really enjoyed this story, and has fallen asleep dreaming of this magical tale.
Will you join Jai-Ryan and Jacob for the Big Christmas Read and help bring Christmas to life for more blind children like them?