We are deeply moved by what is happening in Ukraine. We connect those fleeing the war with those who are able to provide a friendly home, we seek to ensure that our guests receive a warm welcome, and find a safe and stable environment here. We work hard to connect people with one another and to signpost them to help where needed, so that nobody feels isolated or alone. We are partnering with many local organisations, including Churches Together in Ringwood, Acts4Sharing, the Foodbank, the Library, Round Table, Greyfriars Community Centre, Ringwood Arts Society, local businesses, schools, surgeries and local government to help ensure that we have a joined up approach. We are now directing fundraising to support communities and internally displaced people in Ukraine. Any funds remaining at the end of the project will be used to support ongoing connections with Ukraine and the rebuilding of lives and communities. We are doing a lot with very little thanks to the huge generosity of our volunteers and partner organisations. Find out more at