The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


Covid-19 affects all of us. To a greater or lesser extent we are, and will be, changed by the suffering our planet is presently experiencing.
RCN 223318



Covid-19 affects all of us. To a greater or lesser extent we are, and will be, changed by the suffering our planet is presently experiencing. All around us there is pain and tragedy the like of which we have never before lived through. Yet despite all of this, we are the lucky ones. In so many parts of our world there is no proper health infrastructure to support those who become infected, no social security or emergency benefits to help the isolated or unemployed and an already crushing poverty which makes acts of generosity almost impossible.

As a World-wide Missionary Congregation the Oblates work in all corners of the globe, and in most places we work with the poorest and most marginalised in society. Faced with the unimaginable suffering their people now endure some Oblate Missions have had no option but to turn in hope and faith to their Oblate brothers and sisters throughout the world.

Two such requests have recently come from the Oblate Missions in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The following notes, written by the leaders of these Missions, speak for themselves.

In Bangladesh, every day many are getting infected. Our health system is very poor. People are more anxious for daily food than health or social distancing. 

 We work with the indigenous, tea-estate and internal migrants, the most underprivileged and poorest in our country. We have already begun to stand by them in our Oblate Parishes. With own little sacrifices, we are helping 500 families as best we can by giving rice, dal and oil.

The need is massive. If there is any possibility that you could stand with us, be assured that your generosity will save lives. Please keep us in your prayer.

- Fr Ajit Costa, OMI

In Pakistan, the number of those infected is increasing very rapidly. The government has imposed strict lock down all over the country, with all people confined to their homes. But so many of those we work with rely on daily wages to survive and they are going through a terrible time. There are people who are deprived of their daily food and many are starving. I know that the whole world is going through a terrible time and I feel hesitant to make this request, yet I am impelled by the situation of the starving people to write this mail to you.

- Fr. Khan Paulus OMI

If you would like to support these appeals please donate online through on our website: alternatively please contact the Oblate Mission Development Office:

All money raised will go directly to support these two difficult missions.

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