The support I received from OUSET meant the world to me, affirming others' belief in my future despite the hardships and I will forever be grateful for that
We're raising awareness and funds for The Open University Students Educational Trust, otherwise known as OUSET.
In a nutshell, OUSET changes lives for the better helping students to complete their studies and access the brilliant benefits higher education provides.
OUSET provides vital support for Open University students who can't receive funding anywhere else to continue their studies by, supporting students with paying module fees and by assisting with costs relating to study for example travel, IT equipment or set books.
Without OUSET, Open University students in severe financial hardship would fall through the net and likely be unable to ever complete their qualification.
The Open University Students Educational Trust is a charity established by the OU Students Association. Its Board of Trustees is chaired by the immediate past president of the Students Association and is mostly made up of student trustees.
OUSET relies on donations and legacies to provide funding to support its charitable aims.
OUSET and the students it benefits are always grateful for the support received from OU students, staff and friends, and any kind donations are sincerely appreciated.
If you'd like to know more about OUSET our fundraising events, you can visit our new website here -