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Our campaign is now complete. 281 supporters helped us raise £8,464.00

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Closed 19/09/2021


In 2019. we started building a swimming pool. Not an ordinary one, but a complex, specially adapted hydrotherapy pool.COVID-19 did not stop disability, nor the need for treatments, nor the parents desperation, stopped us temporary.
raised of £15,000 target
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Closed on 19/09/2021
RCN 1150955

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PS: English Below

Din nou, din nou, trebuie sa gasim modalitati noi de a face lucrurile sa se întâmple. Prea des a trebuit sa luptam împotriva unui sistem disfuncional, unul creat de-a lungul anilor si adânc înradacinat.

Prin lupta, MAD-Aid a construit servicii utile pentru copii si tineri cu nevoi speciale în nordul Moldovei - un centru de zi, tratamente de intervenie timpurie si atât de necesara educaie si incluziune.

Am demonstrat ca fiecare intervenie într-un stadiu incipient îmbunatateste conditiile de sanatate ai viata acestor copii.

În 2019 am început sa construim o piscina. Nu una obinuita, ci o piscina complexa, special adaptata pentru hidroterapie.

Am primit un sprijin generos pentru acest proiect, de la Fundaia Soros Moldova din finantele Uniunii Europene, Consiliul Raional Râcani, Caritate.md, Excel Manufacturing, primaria Râcani, Cornelius UK si multe companii si oameni cu suflet mare din întreaga lume.

Dar apoi ne-am încalcit în vechea mentalitate sovietica din Moldova " Eu stiu mai bine" a companiei care a câstigat initial licitatia, si a responsabilului tehnic Ne-responsabil. Ne-a luat mult timp sa recuperm, sa ne re-ajustam si acum suntem pregatiti sa finalizm acest proiect benefic.

Dar mai avem urgent nevoie de £26,700 ca sa ducem la bun sfârit proiectul.

COVID-19 nu a oprit dizabilitatea, nici nevoia de tratamente, nici disperarea parintilor.

Un program precum Bazinul Phoenix va fi folosit pentru mai multi ani. Peste 400 de copii în fiecare an pot beneficia de tratamente de hidroterapie.

Si comunitatea va beneficia. Punerea la dispoziie a piscinei pentru înot nu numai ca va îmbunti multe vieti, ci va contribui, de asemenea, la asigurarea sustenabilitatii serviciului.

Ne ajuti s facem lemonada? Generozitatea ta va contribui la o transformare real în viaa copiilor cu nevoi speciale.


And we smile.

Again, and again, we must find ways to make things happen. All too often weve had to fight a dysfunctional system, one created over many years and deeply ingrained.

It is by fighting that MAD-Aid built useful services for children and youth with special needs in northern Moldova a day centre, early intervention treatments, and so much needed inclusion.

And weve proven that every intervention at an early stage improves the health and life conditions of those children.

In 2019. we started building a swimming pool. Not an ordinary one, but a complex, specially adapted hydrotherapy pool.

Weve received generous support for this project, from Soros Moldova, European Union, Rayonal Council, Caritate.md, and many businesses and people across the world.

But then we got tangled in Moldova's old Soviet "I know better" mindset of the company who initially won the tender. Its taken us a long time to recover, to readjust, and now we ready once more to complete this beneficial project.

We are now still short £26,700 to complete the work successfully.

COVID-19 did not stop disability, nor the need for treatments, nor the parents desperation.

A program like Phoenix Pool will be used for many years to come. Over 400 children each year can benefit from hydrotherapy treatments.

The community, too, will benefit. Making the pool available for swimming will not only improve many lives, it will also help make the service self-sustainable.

Will you help us make this batch of lemonade? Your generosity will

About the charity


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RCN 1150955
A world where children and adults with special needs have access to the same opportunities as others to fulfil their life’s ambitions; a world where we can all live safely with dignity, respect, and quality care. We work towards this vision by developing and executing programs in the Republic of Moldova, the poorest country in Europe. We started with the Medical Aid Delivery program. The program facilitates the transfer of high-quality equipment no longer needed by British hospitals (NHS) to hospitals in dire need of improvement. At the same time, it helps the UK hospitals save the cost of storage or disposal of equipment they no longer need. We went on to establish and operate a UK-standard modern day care and early intervention and rehabilitation centre for children and teenagers with special needs. We aim to Make A Difference.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £406.50 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations
Direct donations
Donations via fundraisers

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