Poppy and William were found dumped down a country lane in July 2023, they found it difficult to walk, they were emaciated and had lost most of their fur. They were frightened and worried by everything and everyone.
It is clear they had been used for breeding and were likely no longer fulfilling their purpose.
Thanks to Newnham Court Vets and a wonderful foster family, they are recovering and learning to trust people.
William is blind so Poppy acts as his guide dog as well as companion; they are completely inseparable!
Their photos show just how far they have come (click view gallery on our cover image), William has now been neutered but Poppy desperately needs spaying too, at 9 years old they were both long overdue! The pair of them also need vital dental treatment, due to their age they are at higher risk of complication, meaning the treatment needed is not as straightforward as we'd hope!
Please help us raise the money we need to ensure Poppy and William get the important treatment needed to fully heal and relax. They have lots of love to give, and just want to finally relax in a loving and cosy forever retirement home!

Any funds raised above this campaign will remain with us and be used to help other animals in RSPCA care.