They did it!
This incredible team of 14 young people from Prior's Court completed the 5km challenge on Sunday 2nd June. Amar, Ben, Brandon, Daniel A, Daniel K, Daniel L, Felix, Jack, James, Luca, Millie, Peter, Tashelle and Theo all took part in the challenge alongside a group of staff members.
Thank you for all of your donations which will go towards a new, bespoke performing arts centre. There is still time to donate and congratulate the team on their success.
On the 2nd July, a team of young people from Prior's Court and staff will be attending Parallel Windsor; a Festival of Inclusivity with challenge events for all ages, health conditions & abilities.
The team is made up of young people Daniel, Peter, James, Amar, Brandon, Dan, Felix, Jack, Luca, Millie, Tashelle, Daniel, Ben and Theo. Please note, those attending is subject to change depending on how each young person is feeling in the lead up to the event and on the day itself.
Prior's Court exists to transform the lives of young people with complex autism for whom the world can be a confusing and daunting place. A team of 14 young people will be taking part in a challenge of their choice; challenges range from a 100m walk to 10km run. They will take part in the challenge with an autism practitioner and will be cheered on by Prior's Court staff and supporters. Taking part in events outside of Prior's Court can be a difficult experience for young people with complex autism due to sensory challenges - being in a busy environment such as a festival with lots of people and loud noise will take these young people out of their comfort zone however will also provide a vital experience, will enable them to develop skills which can be used in other community situations and will hopefully be a fun day out! .
The team of staff and young people have decided to take part and fundraise for the performing arts project which will see the current performing arts space at Prior's Court transformed into a autism specific space which will increase young people's access to the performing arts, help support their communication skills and learning and enable them to better understand the world around them.
The team have a combined target of £3,000 and would be so grateful if you would consider donating to this team page. The money raised will go towards the Prior's Court Arts Centre project which will help to transform the lives of young people at Prior's Court, you can read more about this project and where donations will be going to HERE.